box. ✓ Requires almost no setup. ✓ No custom code necessary. - Exposes system information. - Absolutely no flexibility. - Lacks ability to version. - Unable to limit output. Using the core REST resources
box. ✓ Familiar to developers. ✓ Manageable within the UI. - Returns data with incorrect types. - More flexibility, but still limited in various areas. - Authentication issues. Using views REST export
nature, D8 allows us to extend the base ResourceBase class and create our own custom resources. This would be my recommendation. 24 @brian_ward Creating custom rest resources
application architecture. In a nutshell, it is providing information on how to navigate the site's REST resources dynamically by including hypermedia links with the responses. 30 @brian_ward HATEOAS
First stable version released earlier this month. Evan You is also a core developer on the MeteorJS project & previously a Google employee. Has awesome documentation.
used as data inside a Vue instance will become reactive (Vue instances that are observing our objects will be notified of the changes). @brian_ward 46 Introducing Vue.js
to create our package.json, HTML & bootstrap JS files. From there we’ll load in our components and interact with our API. @brian_ward 53 Introducing Vue.js