triggers and greatly influence our daily routines” “The ultimate goal of a habit-forming product is to solve the user’s pain by creating an association so that the user identifies the company’s product or service as the source of relief”
user, 然後提出五個 why, 不斷的追問 ◦ Q1: Why Julie want to use email? ▪ A1: Send and receive message ◦ Q2: Why would she want to do that? ▪ A2: Share and receive information quickly ◦ Q3: Why does she want to do that? ▪ A3: Know what’s going on in the lives of her co-workers, friends and family ◦ Q4: Why does she need to know that? ▪ Know if someone needs her ◦ Q5: Why would she care about that? ▪ She fears being out of the loop
act is not the sensation we receive from the reward itself, but the need to alleviate the craving for that reward.” 驅使我們行動的不是 reward 本身, 而是我們渴望獲得 reward 的念頭
us feel accepted, attractive, important, and included • Hunt ◦ The need to acquire physical objects, such as food and other supplies that aid our survival, is part of our brain’s operating system ◦ ex: 吃角子老虎(money), twitter feed, pinterest 最底下一半的圖 • Self ◦ Satisfaction of completion ◦ ex: video game, Email, Codecademy, todo list