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Monkigras 1 Feb, 2019

bruce lawson
February 01, 2019

Monkigras 1 Feb, 2019

Accessibility: Back to the Future

bruce lawson

February 01, 2019


  1. @brucel We broke it • fixed width • bad contrast,

    fonts, colours • pixel-perfect layout • lack of captions for videos • lack of keyboard accessibility • removing focus indicator
  2. @brucel Top four 1. Have a fundamental understanding of JavaScript

    “Of course you can’t do full-stack JavaScript development (or full-stack any web development for that matter), without learning JavaScript itself.” 2. Front-End framework 3. Bootstrap 4 4. HTML/CSS
  3. @brucel As for HTML, there’s not much to learn right

    away and you can kind of learn as you go, but before making your first templates, know the difference between in-line elements like <span> and how they differ from block ones like <div>. This will save you a huge amount of headache when fiddling with your CSS code.
  4. @brucel <article itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/BlogPosting"> <header> <h2 itemprop="title" id="post-11210"><a href="/2019/reading- list-221/"

    rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Reading List"> Reading List</a></h2> <time itemprop="dateCreated pubdate datePublished" datetime="2019-01-18">Friday 18 January 2019</time> </header> <p>SOME STUFF</p> <footer>Posted in <a href="/category/accessibility-web- standards/">accessibility web standards</a>, <a href="/category/ accessibility-web-standards/reading-list/">reading list</a> . <a class="post-edit-link" href="/wp-admin/post.php? post=11210&#038;action=edit">Edit</a>. <a href="/2019/reading- list-221/#respond">Leave a comment</a> </footer> </article>
  5. @brucel Accessibility is part of Usability “high conformance with web

    accessibility guidelines may provide benefits to users without disabilities.”

  6. @brucel Schmutza, Sondereggera and Sauera
 • Sixty-one participants without disabilities

    used one of three websites differing in levels of accessibility • A high level of web accessibility led to better performance (i.e., task completion time and task completion rate) than low or very low accessibility. • Likewise, high web accessibility improved user ratings (i.e., perceived usability, aesthetics, workload and trustworthiness) compared to low or very low web accessibility. Department of Psychology, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland www.unifr.ch/psycho/assets/files/KogErg/SchmutzSondereggerSauer2016.pdf
  7. @brucel “Developer Experience” Bait-and-Switch We cannot continue to use as

    much JavaScript as is now “normal” and expect the web to flourish. To get this fixed, we need to confront the “developer experience” bait-and-switch. Tools that cost the poorest users to pay wealthy developers are bunk. Alex Russell https://infrequently.org/2018/09/the-developer-experience-bait-and-switch/ “
  8. Smartphones ▪ overwhelmingly Android ▪ low cost, low spec ▪

    very little RAM, very limited storage ▪ dual SIM
  9. @brucel How To Make Internet Affordable Even with more phones

    than ever before, the cost of Internet is a major obstacle. In Nigeria, the data needed to watch just 2 minutes of online video a day can cost more than sending a child to school for a month. https://webwewant.org/news/how-to-make-internet-affordable/ “
  10. @brucel The Baseline Costs of JavaScript Frameworks Your React application

    will never load faster than about 1.1 seconds on an average phone in India, no matter how much you optimize it. Your Angular app will always take at least 2.7 seconds to boot up. Ankur Sethi, Nov 2018 https://blog.uncommon.is/the-baseline-costs-of-javascript-frameworks-f768e2865d4a “
  11. ICT access by population Total 
 global population ~7.4 billion

 internet 1.1 billion Total 
 internet users 3.2 billion Mobile phones 5.2 billion Within mobile coverage 7 billion World Bank: Digital Dividends 2016
  12. The world’s offline population Total 
 internet users 3.2 billion

 internet 1.1 billion India 1.063 billion Countries outside of the top 20 China 755 million Indonesia 213 million Pakistan 165 million Bangladesh 148 million Nigeria 111 million Brazil 98 million Ethiopia 95 million Mexico 70 million Congo, Dem. Rep. 68 million Philippines 63 million Russian Federation 55 million Iran, Islamic Rep. 54 million Myanmar 53 million Vietnam 52 million United States 51 million Tanzania 49 million Thailand 48 million Egypt, Arab Rep. 42 million Turkey 41 million
  13. In India, only 96k of the 736k cell towers are

    3G enabled, but more critically, only 35k of those towers have a fiber optic connection to the backbone, which results in inconsistent connection. “ Flaky connection - India's mobile Internet: The revolution has begun Avdendus (2013)
  14. Developing countries are home to 94% of the global offline

    population. “ - State of Connectivity 2014, internet.org
  15. If you want to liberate a country, give them the

    internet. “ - Wael Ghonim, Egyptian internet activist
  16. an increase in Internet maturity similar to the one experienced

    in mature countries over the past 5 years creates an increase in real GDP per capita of $500 on average during this period. “ Internet matters - The Net’s sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity (McKinsey Global Institute)
  17. It took the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century 50

    years to produce the same result. “ Internet matters - The Net’s sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity (McKinsey Global Institute)