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SCI Skills Development and Capacity Building in...

November 20, 2013

SCI Skills Development and Capacity Building in Information Security

Presented by Dr. Chepken during the CyberSecurity Public Lecture, November 20, 2013.


November 20, 2013

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  1. University of Nairobi 1 University of Nairobi The School of

    Computing and Informatics Skills Development and Capacity Building in Information Security 20 November 2013
  2. University of Nairobi 3 UoN  The oldest university in

    Kenya.  Started initially as the Royal Technical College of East Africa in 1956,  Became a full-fledged university in 1970.  Although other universities, both public and private, have emerged in the interceding years, the University of Nairobi has remained the biggest in the country in terms of student numbers, human resource and programmes .
  3. University of Nairobi 4 UoN  Student population approximately 45,000

     18,000 are government sponsored  27,000 are privately sponsored.  About 9,000 are postgraduate students  Has 1300 academic staff members of which 260 are full and associate professors.
  4. University of Nairobi 5 College of Education & External Studies

    College of Humanities & Social Sciences College of Health Sciences College of Architecture & Engineering College of Biological & Physical Sciences College of Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences Colleges UoN structure
  5. University of Nairobi 6 Educ. & External Studies Humanities &

    Social Sciences Health Sciences Architecture & Engineering Biol. & Phys. Sciences Phys Sciences Mathematics Biol. Sciences physics chemistry geology meteorology Computing & Informatics Agric. & Vet. Sciences Colleges Schools Departments CBPS UoN structure
  6. University of Nairobi 8 Introduction to SCI  The School

    of Computing and Informatics is part of the College of Biological and Physical Sciences.  Formally established in 1977 as the Institute of Computer Science (ICS).  ICS mandate included academic as well as provision of university-wide ICT services.  In 2002 in the interest of realizing more focused management and efficiency of the two functions, ICS was split into two entities, namely, ICTC and the SCI.
  7. University of Nairobi 9 SCI Core Mandate  The School

    of Computing and Informatics (SCI) core competencies:  Computing, to cover the theory and science of computation and  Informatics to exemplify the practical outworking of the science in technology and application and innovation.
  8. University of Nairobi 10 SCI Core Mandate The School is

    charged with  Computing and informatics... Teaching and learning Research and R&D Human Resource knowledge innovations applications
  9. University of Nairobi 12  B. Sc. in Computer Science

     Started in 1994  Class size avg 60 Academic Programmes
  10. University of Nairobi SCI Programmes • Diploma in Computer Science

    (2000) • BEd in ICT KSC (2012) • BSc in Computer Science (1993) • Postgraduate Diploma in CS (1980 – 2002) • MSc in Information Systems (1998 – 2013) • MSc in Computer Science (2005 – 2013) • MSc in Applied Computer Science (2004) • MSc in Applied Computing (2013) • MSc in Computational Intelligence (2013) • MSc in Distributed Computing Technology (2013) • MSc in Information Technology Management (2013) • PhD IS • PhD CS - 19 Registered currently
  11. University of Nairobi SCI Programmes • PhDs – 2012- 17

    admitted – 2013- 19 admitted • Masters – (we have new programs) – 120 students joined May 2013 – Our next intake - May 2014 • Undergraduate – Next intake -May 2014 – We go for top grade students 14
  12. University of Nairobi Units specific to security • CSC411: Computer

    Networks Security • CDT503 Computing Systems Security (60 hours ) • CDT507: Computer Forensics and Cyber Security (180 hours) • Short course training: Silensec 15
  13. University of Nairobi Thematic areas: Security related  Distributed Computing

    Technology  network security, computing forensics & cyber security  Computational intelligence  application of intelligent agent technology to security  Information Systems  Information security and audit 17
  14. University of Nairobi 18 Areas of Research and R&D Activities

    Mobile applications development  Innovative applications  Software development subcontracting  Usability and localization issues Mobile device resources and services communication infrastructure Mobile device
  15. University of Nairobi 19 SCI Areas of Research and R&D

    Activities Distributed computing  Distributed infrastructure to support scientific research Collaborative Scientific Research Grid and Cloud Computing Global Scientific resources and facilities Global communication infrastructure
  16. University of Nairobi 20 Grid and Cloud Computing European grid

    South African grid North African grid East African grid East African scientists Interconnectivity relies on broadband fiber
  17. University of Nairobi 21 Social issues  Poverty and Information

    & Communication Technology Systems in Urban and Rural Eastern-Africa (PICTURE Africa). To study the possible impact of of Information & Communication Technology Systems on poverty in Urban and Rural Eastern-Africa (PICTURE Africa). To study the potential role of ICT in poverty alleviation initiatives.  Development of a PBO Industry in Kenya: Critical Success Factors. To carry out research leading to the determination of factors contributing to the success of BPO SCI Areas of Research and R&D Activities
  18. University of Nairobi 22 “Pan-African Localization Network” ; Funded by

    IDRC; Research areas: ICT for Development, Natural language processing, Human computer interfaces; “Mobile Phone Internet Applications Development”; Funding: Nokia; Research area: Mobile Computing; “Development of a Business Process Outsourcing Industry in Kenya: Critical Success Factors Project”; Funding: by IDRC. Research area: ICT for Development; “Village E-Science for Life (VeSel)”, part of the Bridging the Global Digital Divide network, sponsored by the EPSRC in the UK. Research area: ICT for Development: Sample SCI funded projects
  19. University of Nairobi 23 ICT sector performance review - evidence

    based ICT policy making and regulations Poverty and Information & Communication Technology Systems in Urban and Rural Eastern-Africa (PICTURE Africa) ICT and local governance Software Development Sub-Contracting and Usability Lab Nairobi Sizzle – Social media user research Liberation Technologies Program - Design Thinking Topic “Access to health care by low income communities” Utilities for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons – Research and Development: Sample SCI funded projects
  20. University of Nairobi 24 Other Initiatives • C4Dlab • Nokia

    lab • Security training: Silensec • M-money research • UX- research • BPO-ITES training • Open Session on OLPC at the ICTD2013 premier conference •C4DLab as a catalyst SCI collaborations
  21. University of Nairobi 25 Academic Staff  Although SCI have

    had staff retention difficulties in the past, there has been considerable improvement in the recent past.  Professor - 1,  Associate Professors – 3,  Senior Lecturers - 4,  Lecturers – 10,  Tutorial Fellows – 4  Graduate assistants – 3  Ph.D. holders – 8, Masters holders – 15 • More coming: locally and abroad
  22. University of Nairobi Continuously on the look out • Encourage

    new partnership – For example, ICTA on this • Looking out for – People to train – Consultancy opportunities for SCI – Consultancy opportunities for Individual staff – Research collaborations
  23. University of Nairobi 32 School of Computing & Informatics (SCI)

    UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI Manpower Development For the Nation and the Region Thank you!