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Intellectual Property - CIPIT

November 22, 2013

Intellectual Property - CIPIT

Presentation on IP by Lillian Makanga from CIPIT, Strathmore University Law School - http://www.cipit.org/


November 22, 2013

More Decks by C4DLab

Other Decks in Technology


  1. STRATHMORE LAW SCHOOL Protection 101 • Copyrights  • Trademarks

    • Patents • Utility Model • Creative works – Paintings, music, books, sculpture, photos, computer software, images • Protects against copying the representation, not the idea • Low standard of examination • Very long term • 1000 KShs, 1-2 weeks (cheap and fast)
  2. STRATHMORE LAW SCHOOL Protection 101 • Copyrights • Trademarks 

    • Patents • Utility Model • Protects slogans, logos, product names, indications of origin • Protects against misleading or confusing use • Indefinite protection • 10,000-15,000 Kshs, 1-2 months
  3. STRATHMORE LAW SCHOOL Protection 101 • Copyrights • Trademarks •

    Patents  • Utility Model • Protects ideas, regardless of implementation • Very high standard of examination • Short term protection (17 yrs) • 15,000 KShs filing fees, 2+ years (expensive and slow)
  4. STRATHMORE LAW SCHOOL Protection 101 • Copyrights • Trademarks •

    Patents • Utility Model  • Same application process as patents • Lower examination standard • Less coverage (10 yrs) • “More” ideal for apps
  5. STRATHMORE LAW SCHOOL Contracting • Description of the work product

    • Scope of Confidentiality requirements • Exclusivity clauses • Ownership of Source Code • Ownership of Intellectual Property