Jupyter Book: Interactive books running in the cloud
I talk about the Jupyter Project, an open community that builds public tools for solving data analytics problems. I also discuss a new project, Jupyter Book, that lets you weave multiple Jupyter Notebooks together into a single book-like document.
them an early experience in coding and interactive computing • Teach an open stack of languages and tools • Facilitate the learning experience with shared infrastructure • Work in partnership with open communities like Jupyter, contribute our improvements upstream.
familiar, beautiful, and accessible form. • A way to add more bells and whistles that are geared towards reading. • An ability to connect this content with interactive computation. • A way to deploy all of this quickly and easily.
of text files • Use a templating engine to interpolate content into a site structure. • Lots and lots (and lots) of options to choose from. ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
to a Binder / JupyterHub kernel ◦ http://thebelab.readthedocs.org nbinteract ◦ Display widgets in a static webpage, backed by a Binder kernel ◦ https://www.nbinteract.com/ ✨experimental✨