Writing tests has been always the least favourite thing for developers to do when working on an exciting project. Problems arise when the code base grows and the number of regressions increase over time. This is particularly problematic if the project you are working on is responsible for testing other projects.
As the JavaScript ecosystem changes, so do the tools. Linter as well as unit test frameworks have become much more sufficient and provide features such as snapshotting and stubbing capabilities that make writing tests a lot easier. However there are more aspects of how to test software aside from linting and unit testing. It is important to apply the right strategy to gain the confidence that a test can provide. This sometimes requires some creative thinking.
In this talk, Christian Bromann will speak about his experience managing unit and other types of tests at a large scale. As a maintainer of the WebdriverIO framework he has helped develop a test system that ensures the stability of various framework features from a code to an e2e level.