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"Simplicity - the guarantee of health" by Alexa...

"Simplicity - the guarantee of health" by Alexander Korin

We aspire to simplicity in everything we do day to day. This is applicable to every field of human’s activity despite programming. When we do programming we usually forget about this. In his talk Alexander will discuss how to get rid of complexity overhead and stay in harmony with yourself via few examples with real-life analogies. The talk’s ideas might sound contraversary, so discussion is highly welcome.
This talk was made for CocoaHeads Kyiv #10 which took place 10 Dec 2016.

CocoaHeads Ukraine

December 22, 2016

More Decks by CocoaHeads Ukraine

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What should be done??? • Allow yourself a thought, that

    your code is – • Ragequit • Accept • Analyze • Draw conclusions
  2. My conclusions: • Widen the knowledge of your instruments •

    Make you code comfortable • Make your code reusable on the Drag&Drop level • Don't repeat yourself • DON'T REPEAT YOURSELF • DON'T REPEAT YOURSELF!!!
  3. Bad

  4. Bad

  5. Bad

  6. Bad

  7. Bad

  8. Bad

  9. Bad

  10. Bad

  11. Bad

  12. Bad

  13. Bad