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Doing It Daily

Doing It Daily

Presentation for the Maricopa 2015 Teaching With Technology Conference:

People who run races, musicians, and yes, even dentists know the benefit of practice and improvement via a regular daily routine. This same concept is used in The Daily Create (http://tdc.ds106.us), part of the open digital storytelling course DS106 (http://ds106.us), as a means to help people improve their creative skills with media. Each day since January 2011, the Daily Create publishes a challenge meant to be done in about 15 minutes, in the media of photography, drawing, audio, video, and writing. Try out the Daily Create for today, learn how the past challenges can be reused, and how you can create a Daily Challenge site for any topic via an open source Wordpress Theme.

Resources available http://go.cogdog.it/doing-it-daily

Alan Levine

May 18, 2015

More Decks by Alan Levine

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  1. Doing It Daily go.cogdog.it/doing-it-daily • Alan Levine cogdog.info Wikimedia commons

    Public Domain Image http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothbrush#/media/File:Toothbrush_teaching_1.jpg
  2. who wants to be really good at something? cc licensed

    ( BY NC ) flickr photo by Thomas Hawk: http://flickr.com/photos/thomashawk/2354086423/
  3. cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by

    davemmett: http://flickr.com/photos/davemmett/3022383314/
  4. “I’m not a good at ________” cc licensed ( BY

    SD ) flickr photo by Ernst Vikne: http://flickr.com/photos/iboy/4532497884/
  5. "Photography is an art and a craft. Getting better at

    both requires practice—lots of practice. The Daily Shoot is a simple daily routine to motivate and inspire you to practice your photography, and share your results! It’s not a contest and there are no prizes. It's simply about encouraging you to pick up your camera and make photographs. ! That's it. There aren't any other rules. You aren't going to get demerits if you miss a few days, nor will you get gold stars for doing every assignment. We're just here to help you with a little nudge every day. The rest is up to you!" The Daily Shoot, (http://dailyshoot.com/)
  6. cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by electrovert:

  7. cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by electrovert:

    http://flickr.com/photos/58873944@N07/5417153345/ “The assignment’s taken me on some pretty unexpected adventures. Almost everyday I’ve started with a completely different idea (or no idea) of what I was going to photograph, then stumbled upon something extraordinary. It’s forced me to think about things in new ways and it’s shown me that sometimes it’s easier to make art when you take a more hands-on approach and don’t overthink it.” Matt Martin, (http://blog.electrovert.net/?p=69)
  8. learning by doing matters cc licensed ( BY NC )

    flickr photo by Thomas Hawk: http://flickr.com/photos/thomashawk/155589939/
  9. motivation matters cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by

    Faithful Chant [ back ]: http://flickr.com/photos/chant3/3252597528/
  10. shared space matters cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo

    by kennymatic: http://flickr.com/photos/kwl/4555399660/
  11. learning with others matters cc licensed ( BY NC )

    flickr photo by teliko82: http://flickr.com/photos/teliko82/2189579308/
  12. daily ______ ? cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo

    by striatic: http://flickr.com/photos/striatic/241843728/
  13. do something every day cc licensed ( BY NC SD

    ) flickr photo by Ernesto JT: http://flickr.com/photos/auggie/405845898/