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Saving the World: Open Source and Open Science

Saving the World: Open Source and Open Science

Marcus Hanwell

October 23, 2014

More Decks by Marcus Hanwell

Other Decks in Science


  1. Saving the World Open Source and Open Science! Dr. Marcus

    D. Hanwell @mhanwell +MarcusHanwell All Things Open 22 October, 2014
  2. Nullius in verba Motto of the Royal Society, founded in

    1660 “Take nobody’s word for it”
  3. Showing What’s Inside the Box! •  Need everything to reproduce

    results o  Raw data collected §  How it was collected, conditions, versions o  Steps to run calculations/analysis §  Often source code o  Analyzed results SHOW YOUR WORK!
  4. “Scientific research has changed the world. Now it needs to

    change itself.” Economist, http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21588069-scientific-research-has-changed- world-now-it-needs-change-itself-how-science-goes-wrong
  5. “Publishing Research Without Data is Simply Advertising, Not Science” Graham

    Steel, http://blog.okfn.org/2013/09/03/publishing-research-without-data-is-simply-advertising-not-science/
  6. “Is the evidence for austerity based on an Excel spreadsheet

    error?” Washington Post, April 2013 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/04/16/is-the-best-evidence-for-austerity- based-on-an-excel-spreadsheet-error/
  7. What is Open??? •  What does open mean, how open

    is open? o  Everyone has the same access o  No commercial, no derivatives is NOT OPEN •  Certain basic rights are granted to ALL o  Share o  Modify o  Use
  8. Only 6 out of 53 “landmark” cancer studies could be

    reproduced http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v483/n7391/full/483531a.html
  9. Reproducibility Initiative Receives $1.3M Grant to Validate 50 Landmark Cancer

    Studies http://blog.scienceexchange.com/2013/10/reproducibility-initiative-receives-1-3m-grant-to- validate-50-landmark-cancer-studies/
  10. An Analogy: Making Beer •  I make great home brew!

    o  Using 5 gallon bioreactors to make “sweet nectar” •  I discovered a technique to make it better! o  I sing to my beer each evening as it ferments! o  My assertion is: §  It energizes the yeast, and makes sweeter beer... o  I have graphs showing 9/10 people prefer it o  Even did chemical analysis showing less esters!
  11. Do I Really Need to Share More? •  The beer

    I sang to was next to my stool o  It was in a colder part of my basement §  I didn’t want to sit for hours in the hot part! o  Yeast produce more esters when they are too hot §  They needed to be in a control group §  It didn’t matter if it got a little hotter over there •  Do I want to sell beer, or do science? REPRODUCIBILITY!
  12. GTO = ce−αr2 φi = c µi φ µ µ

    ∑ ρ r ( )= P µν φ µ φ ν ν ∑ µ ∑
  13. GTO = ce−αr2 φi = c µi φ µ µ

    ∑ ρ r ( )= P µν φ µ φ ν ν ∑ µ ∑ Data Equations Source Code
  14. Always Pushing the Boundaries •  Science is about learning new

    things •  Understanding the universe •  Communicating that understanding •  Adding to the sum of human knowledge •  It is not about o  “selling ideas” or “promoting your work”
  15. We Need Your Help! •  So many people to thank,

    so little space •  Opensource.com, Kitware •  The Open Science movement, open source, … •  Find me on the web [email protected] @mhanwell +MarcusHanwell cryos.net github.com/cryos