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All Day DevOps: A DevOps State of Mind: Continu...

All Day DevOps: A DevOps State of Mind: Continuous Security with DevSecOps + Containers

Is your organization ready to address the security risks with containers for your DevOps environment? Learn about the top security risks with containers and how to incorporate security best practices at scale with DevSecOps.

With the rise of DevOps, containers are at the brink of becoming a pervasive technology in Enterprise IT to accelerate application delivery for the business. When it comes to adopting containers in the enterprise, Security is the highest adoption barrier.

In this presentation, you’ll learn about:
-The top security risks with containers and how to manage theses risks at scale.
-DevSecOps - embedding security best practices in the CI/CD pipeline
-Improving container image security with reproducible builds
-Automating security vulnerability and security policy scanning for container images
-Deployment strategies for continuous deployment of security updates at scale
-DevSecOps metrics to track success and failure

Chris Van Tuin

October 24, 2017

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  1. A DEVOPS STATE OF MIND: Continuous Security with 

    + Containers Chris Van Tuin Chief Technologist, NA West / Silicon Valley cvantuin@redhat.com
  2. Culture of experimentation A B 20% vs. 25% Empowered organization

    Time Change Rapid Innovation THE DISRUPTORS = AI /
 ML Data-driven intelligence Data, Data, Data
  3. DEV QA OPS Walled off people, walled off processes, walled

    off technologies “THROW IT OVER THE WALL”
  4. I.T. MUST EVOLVE TO ENABLE THE BUSINESS Development Model Application

    Architecture Deployment & Packaging Application Infrastructure Storage Waterfall Agile Monolithic N-tier Bare Metal Virtual Servers Data Center Hosted Scale Up Scale Out DevOps MicroServices Containers Hybrid Cloud Storage as a Service
  5. DEV QA OPS Open organization + 
 cross-functional teams Software

    factory automation Linux + Containers IaaS Orchestration CI/CD Source Control Management Collaboration Build and Artifact Management Testing Frameworks Open Source CI/CD pipelines with feedback Culture Process Technology + + BREAKING DOWN THE WALLS WITH DEVOPS

    “Patch? The servers are behind the firewall.” - Anonymous (far too many to name), 2005 - …
  7. DEVSECOPS End to End Security + + SECURITY DEV QA

    OPS Linux + Containers IaaS Orchestration CI/CD Source Control Management Collaboration Build and Artifact Management Testing Frameworks Open Source Culture Process Technology
  8. docker.io Registry Private Registry FROM fedora:latest CMD echo “Hello” Build

    file Physical, Virtual, Cloud Image Container Build Run Ship CONTAINERS: BUILD, SHIP, RUN
  9. 4 • Are there known vulnerabilities in the application layer?

    • Are the runtime and OS layers up to date? • How frequently will the container be updated and how will I know when it’s updated? CONTENT: EACH LAYER MATTERS CONTAINER OS RUNTIME APPLICATION Are there known vulnerabilities 
 in each application layer? Are the runtime and OS layers 
 up to date? How frequently will the container be updated and how will I know when its updated? IS THE CONTAINER ENVIRONMENT SECURE? Is the image from a trusted source? Can I quickly deploy a security update at scale? Is my multi-tenant host secure?
  10. Network isolation Storage API & Platform access Monitoring & Logging

    Federated clusters Registry Container host {} Builds CI/CD Images SECURING CONTAINERS
  11. 4 • Are there known vulnerabilities in the application layer?

    • Are the runtime and OS layers up to date? • How frequently will the container be updated and how will I know when it’s updated? CONTENT: EACH LAYER MATTERS CONTAINER OS RUNTIME APPLICATION CONTENT: EACH LAYER MATTERS AYER MATTERS CONTAINER OS RUNTIME APPLICATION JAR CONTAINER
  12. code config data Kubernetes configmaps secrets Container image Traditional 

    data services, Kubernetes 
  13. NODE MASTER Container Distributed Store Container ! Secure mechanism for

    holding sensitive data e.g. ◦ Passwords and credentials ◦ SSH Keys ◦ Certificates ! Secrets are made available as ◦ Environment variables ◦ Volume mounts ◦ Interaction with external systems ! Encrypted in transit ! Never rest on the nodes SECRETS
  14. 64% of official images in Docker Hub 
 contain high

    priority security vulnerabilities examples: ShellShock (bash) Heartbleed (OpenSSL) Poodle (OpenSSL) Source: Over 30% of Official Images in Docker Hub Contain High Priority Security Vulnerabilities, Jayanth Gummaraju, Tarun Desikan, and Yoshio Turner, BanyanOps, May 2015 (http://www.banyanops.com/pdf/BanyanOps-AnalyzingDockerHub-WhitePaper.pdf) WHAT’S INSIDE THE CONTAINER MATTERS
  15. CI/CD PIPELINE Continuous Integration Continuous Build Continuous Deployment Developer ->

    Source -> Git Git -> RPMS -> Images-> Registry Images from 
 Registry -> Clusters
  16. FROM fedora:latest CMD echo “Hello” Build file Build Best Practices

    • Treat as a Blueprint • Don’t login to build/configure • Version control build file • Be explicit with versions, not latest • Each Run creates a new layer BUILDS
  17. AUTOMATED SECURITY SCANNING with OpenSCAP Reports Scan SCAP Security Guide

    for RHEL CCE-27002-5 Set Password Minimum Length Content Scan physical servers, virtual machines, docker images and containers
 for Security Policy Compliance (CCEs) and known Security Vulnerabilities (CVEs)
  18. Standard Docker Host Security Profile Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Upstream

    Firefox STIG RHEL OSP STIG Red Hat Corporate Profile for Certified Cloud Providers (RH CCP) STIG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 7 Server STIG for Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor Common Profile for General-Purpose Debian Systems Common Profile for General-Purpose Fedora Systems Common Profile for General-Purpose Ubuntu Systems Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) v3 U.S. Government Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) CNSSI 1253 Low/Low/Low Control Baseline for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy Unclassified Information in Non-federal Information Systems and Organizations (NIST 800-171) U.S. Government Configuration Baseline (NIAP OSPP v4.0, USGCB, STIG) Security Policies in SCAP Security Guide (partial)
  19. ”only about 1/3 of ideas improve the metrics 

    were designed to improve.”
  20. 50% 50% Version 1.2 Version 1 Route Version 1.2 25%

    Conversion Rate 30% Conversion Rate CANARY DEPLOYMENTS

    deployment • Rolling updates • Canary deployments • A / B testing
  22. Version 1 Version 1 Version 1 Version 1.2 ` Tests

  23. Deploy new version and wait until it’s ready… Version 1

    Version 1 V1.2 Health Check: Readiness 
 Probe e.g. tcp, http, script V1
  24. Kernel Hardware (Intel, AMD) or Virtual Machine Containers Containers Containers

    Unit File Docker Image Container CLI SYSTEMD Cgroups Namespaces SELinux Drivers CONTAINERS ARE LINUX seccomp Read Only mounts
  25. SELINUX - MANDATORY ACCESS CONTROLS Password Files Web Server Attacker

    Discretionary Access Controls 
 (file permissions) Mandatory Access Controls 
 (selinux) Internal Network Firewall Rules Password Files Firewall Rules Internal Network Web Server selinux policy
  26. Best Practices • Don’t run as root • Limit SSH

    Access • Use namespaces • Define resource quotas • Enable logging • Apply Security Errata • Apply Security Context and seccomp filters http://blog.kubernetes.io/2016/08/security-best-practices-kubernetes-deployment.html CONTAINER HOST SECURITY Kernel Hardware (Intel, AMD) or Virtual Machine Containers Containers Containers Unit File Docker Image Container SYSTEM Cgroup Namespace SELinu Driver seccom Read Only
  27. Network isolation Storage API & Platform access Monitoring & Logging

    Federated clusters Registry Container host {} Builds CI/CD Images SECURING CONTAINERS
  28. NETWORK POLICY example: 
 all pods in namespace ‘project-a’ allow

 from any other pods in the same namespace.”
  29. Authentication via OAuth tokens and SSL certificate Authorization via Policy

    Engine checks User/Group Defined Roles API & PLATFORM ACCESS
  30. Deployment Frequency Lead Time Deployment
 Failure Rate Mean Time to

    Recover 99.999 Service Availability DEVSECOPS METRICS Compliance Score