PartialOrder Semilattice Alternative Applicative ApplicativeError Apply Bifoldable Bimonad Bitraverse Cartesian CoflatMap Comonad ContravariantCartesian FlatMap Foldable Functor Inject InvariantMonoidal Monad MonadError MonoidK NotNull Reducible SemigroupK Show ApplicativeAsk Bifunctor Contravariant Invariant Profunctor Strong Traverse Arrow Category Choice Compose Cats Type Classes kernel core/functor core/arrow core The highlighted type classes are the first ones you should learn. They’re well documented and well-known so it’s easy to get help. a |+| b a === b a =!= b a |@| b a *> b a <* b a <+> b a >>> b a <<< b a > b a >= b a < b a <= b Sync Async Effect LiftIO effect Some type classes introduce symbolic operators. NonEmptyTraverse InjectK CommutativeArrow CommutativeFlatMap CommutativeMonad ApplicativeLayer FunctorLayer ApplicativeLayerFunctor FunctorLayerFunctor ApplicativeLocal FunctorEmpty FunctorListen FunctorTell FunctorRaise MonadLayer MonadLayerFunctor MonadLayerControl MonadState TraverseEmpty Functor Applicative Monad Traverse mtl MTL type classes do not extend core type classes directly, but the effect is similar; the dashed line can be read “implies”.