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Asterisk, HTML5 and NodeJS; a world of endless possibilities

October 24, 2012

Asterisk, HTML5 and NodeJS; a world of endless possibilities


October 24, 2012

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  1. Asterisk, HTML5 and NodeJS; a world of endless possibilities Dan

    Jenkins Astricon 2012 @dan_jenkins @holidayextras
  2. The next half an hour.... •Introductions •Who Holiday Extras are

    •HTML5 •What’s NodeJS •How we’ve used NodeJS within our production environment •Demonstration
  3. Who am I? 2 Years Author of Asterisk-AMI Module Dan

    Jenkins @dan_jenkins Senior Web Developer & VoIP Engineer
  4. It’s in the name, we sell extras for holidays We’re

    partners with some big names in the UK travel industry easyJet British Airways Thomas Cook Theatre Breaks Theme Park Breaks Legoland, Alton Towers to name just a few
  5. Over 800,000 calls through our Contact Centre last year Operate

    in mainland Europe too, with Holiday Extras DE Since moving to Asterisk, we’ve taken ~516,000 phone calls in our Contact Centre We’ve been using Asterisk in production since April We believe Holidays should be Hassle Free We’re a 29 year old start up We are the market leaders!
  6. What’s so great about HTML5? No extra plugins required! Make

    fully featured apps direct in the browser Faster time to launch Over 60% of users with Internet access have browsers that suppport HTML5 Easier to iterate, there’s millions of web developers out there
  7. What can you do with HTML5? Get User Media (Microphone

    & Video) WebRTC (SIP phone in the browser) Two way, real-time, communication Client-side databases Web workers (Threads) Offline Application cache
  8. So, what’s NodeJS? “Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model

    that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.”
  9. What have Holiday Extras done? Integrated control of the call

    directly into our in-house CRM system, this also allows us to look up our customer in realtime We’ve been through about 3 iterations of the integration NodeJS and HTML5 have given us the ability to do this We are able to move fast to react to the current needs of our business
  10. How does it all fit together? Asterisk Chrome + SF

    Firefox + SF Safari + SF NodeJS Server Web Sockets Asterisk-AMI TCP Socket SIP
  11. Create a basic NodeJS server Output a ping response from

    Asterisk in the command line, from the NodeJS app
  12. server.js var AsteriskAmi = require('asterisk-ami'); var ami = new AsteriskAmi(

    { host: '', username: 'astricon', password: 'secret' } ); ami.on('ami_data', function(data){ console.log('AMI DATA', data); }); ami.connect(function(response){ console.log('connected to the AMI'); setInterval(function(){ ami.send({action: 'Ping'});//run a callback event when we have connected to the socket }, 2000); }); process.on('SIGINT', function () { ami.disconnect(); " process.exit(0); }); github.com/danjenkins/astricon-2012
  13. Time to step it up a notch, let’s make it

    output to a webpage Output that same ping response to a browser, using NodeJS
  14. server.js var AsteriskAmi = require('asterisk-ami'); var nowjs = require("now"); var

    fs = require('fs'); var express = require('express'); var http = require('http'); var ami = new AsteriskAmi( { host: '', username: 'astricon', password: 'secret' } ); var app = express(); var server = http.createServer(app).listen(8080, function(){ console.log('listening on http://localhost:8080'); }); app.configure(function(){ app.use("/assets", express.static(__dirname + '/assets')); }); github.com/danjenkins/astricon-2012
  15. app.use(express.errorHandler()); app.get('/', function(req, res) { var stream = fs.createReadStream(__dirname +

    '/webpage.html'); stream.on('error', function (err) { res.statusCode = 500; res.end(String(err)); }); stream.pipe(res); }) var everyone = nowjs.initialize(server); ami.on('ami_data', function(data){ if(everyone.now.echoAsteriskData instanceof Function){ everyone.now.echoAsteriskData(data); } }); github.com/danjenkins/astricon-2012
  16. ami.connect(function(response){ console.log('connected to the AMI'); setInterval(function(){ ami.send({action: 'Ping'});//run a callback

    event when we have connected to the socket }, 2000); }); process.on('SIGINT', function () { ami.disconnect(); process.exit(0); }); github.com/danjenkins/astricon-2012
  17. webpage.html <script type="text/javascript" src="/nowjs/now.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var output = function(data){

    var html = '<div>' + (data instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(data) : data) + '</div>'; var div = document.getElementById('output'); div.innerHTML = html + div.innerHTML; } now.echoAsteriskData = function(data){ output(data); } now.ready(function(){ output('connected via nowjs'); }); </script> github.com/danjenkins/astricon-2012
  18. Now, let’s create a call from the webpage via Bria

    - Asterisk 11 - SIP Phone Let’s make the browser do something, make it create a call between two sip extensions
  19. webpage.html $('.btn').click(function(e){ var obj = {}; if($(this).is('.help')){ obj = {action:

    'ListCommands'}; }else if($(this).is('.reload')){ obj = {action: 'reload'}; }else if($(this).is('.login')){ obj = {action: 'QueueAdd', queue: '10', interface: 'sip/2000', penalty: 1, paused: true}; }else if($(this).is('.unpause')){ obj = {action: 'QueuePause', queue: '10', interface: 'sip/2000', paused: false}; }else if($(this).is('.dial')){ obj = { action: 'originate', channel: 'SIP/1000', exten: 10, context: 'from-internal', priority : 1, async: true, callerid: '1000 VIA AMI "1000"' }; }else if($(this).is('.logout')){ obj = {action: 'QueueRemove', queue: '10', interface: 'sip/2000'}; } now.send_data_to_asterisk(obj); e.preventDefault(); }) github.com/danjenkins/astricon-2012