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Danny R FTV 180B Final Adaptation

Danny Roadhouse
August 01, 2024

Danny R FTV 180B Final Adaptation

Danny Roadhouse

August 01, 2024


  1. Scene RnJ_Find Duration 07:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    Louise! Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 28/187
  2. Scene RJL_talk Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Louise:

    Josephine? Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 31/187
  3. Scene RJL_talk Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Louise:

    Richards, too? What are you doing here? Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 32/187
  4. Scene RJL_talk Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Louise

    (VO): I don't know if you had "boys' time" planned this evening, but my husband hasn't arrived home from work yet. Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 33/187
  5. Scene RJL_talk Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Richards:

    Mrs. Mallard, about your husband, there's something we've come here to tell you...no, no, let's get you up off the floor first. Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 34/187
  6. Scene SitAtTable Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    You know you shouldn't push yourself so hard with your weak heart. Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 35/187
  7. Scene SitAtTable Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Louise:

    I have to get dinner ready for Brently before he arrives home. Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 36/187
  8. Scene SitAtTable Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    He is...well, was...a loving man. He would've understood. Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 37/187
  9. Scene SitAtTable Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Louise,

    muttering: was? Louise, louder: About this news you have to tell me... Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 38/187
  10. Scene TalkAtTable Duration 14:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Richards:

    Yes, that news. I thought your sister here might be able to deliver it with a more gentle touch. Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 40/187
  11. Scene TalkAtTable Duration 14:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    Right. Well, Louise, my dearest sister... Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 41/187
  12. Scene TalkAtTable Duration 14:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    Brently won't be coming home for dinner tonight... Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 42/187
  13. Scene TalkAtTable Duration 14:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    ...or ever again. Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 43/187
  14. Scene TalkAtTable Duration 14:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    Richards, the telegram? Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 44/187
  15. Scene TalkAtTable Duration 14:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Richards:

    Right... Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 45/187
  16. Scene 1_A Duration 14:10 Panel 1 Duration 02:02 Dialog Louise

    sobs' echo through the house Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 54/187
  17. Scene 1_A Duration 14:10 Panel 2 Duration 02:02 Dialog Louise

    sobs' echo through the house Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 55/187
  18. Scene 1_A Duration 14:10 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    The door slams shut Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 65/187
  19. Scene 1_A Duration 14:10 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    The door slams shut Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 66/187
  20. Scene 1_A Duration 14:10 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    The door slams shut Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 67/187
  21. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:18 Action Notes

    Louise sighs Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 71/187
  22. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 6 Duration 02:04 Action Notes

    Leaves rustle, a street peddler cries his wares Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 73/187
  23. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 7 Duration 04:23 Action Notes

    As the street peddler continues, another person sings and plays guitar Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 74/187
  24. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 8 Duration 04:22 Action Notes

    Audio focuses on the music Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 75/187
  25. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:14 Action Notes

    Sparrows twitter Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 76/187
  26. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:01 Action Notes

    She sobs Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 80/187
  27. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:13 Action Notes

    Then settles again Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 81/187
  28. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:21 Action Notes

    Wind blows Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 83/187
  29. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 18 Duration 02:05 Action Notes

    Musician sings Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 85/187
  30. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Sparrow caws Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 87/187
  31. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Street peddler cries his wares Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 89/187
  32. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 24 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Leaves rustle Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 91/187
  33. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 26 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    A realization hits her Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 93/187
  34. Scene 1 Duration 50:00 Panel 27 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    She gasps Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 94/187
  35. Scene Part_2 Duration 24:01 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Breathing heavily Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 95/187
  36. Scene Part_2 Duration 24:01 Panel 6 Duration 01:01 Action Notes

    She relaxes. Holds on this frame Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 100/187
  37. Scene Part_2 Duration 24:01 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Free,

    body and soul free!" Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 117/187
  38. Scene Part_2_A_996 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    "Louise, open the door! I beg, open the door --- you will make yourself ill." Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 123/187
  39. Scene Part_2_A_0 Duration 10:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Louise:

    "Go away! I am not making myself ill." Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 124/187
  40. Scene Part_2_A_0 Duration 10:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Free,

    free, free!" Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 126/187
  41. Scene Part_2_A_0 Duration 10:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Josephine:

    "What are you doing, Louise? For heaven's sake open the door." Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 127/187
  42. Scene Part_2_A_999 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Richards:

    "Are you feeling better, Mrs. Mallard?" Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 147/187
  43. Scene Part_2_A_999 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Louise:

    "Quite better, indeed!" Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 148/187
  44. Scene DoorOpens Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Richards,

    cautiously: "Who's that?" Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 150/187
  45. Scene DoorOpens Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Josephine lets out a piercing cry! Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 153/187
  46. Scene Part_2_A_998_A_0 Duration 12:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    The doctor arrives Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 171/187
  47. Scene Part_2_A_998_A_0 Duration 12:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    The doctor leaves Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 173/187
  48. Scene Part_2_A_998_A_0 Duration 12:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    The doctor leaves Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 174/187
  49. Scene Part_2_A_998_A_0 Duration 12:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Richards leaves Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 176/187
  50. Scene Part_2_A_998_A_0 Duration 12:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Josephine leaves, crying Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 178/187
  51. Scene Part_2_A Duration 06:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Louise sings Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 186/187
  52. Scene Part_2_A Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Bird settles on Louise Danny R Assignment1 180B Page 187/187