no objection, )?[Ii]t (?:was|is) so decided(?: \(decision [\d/]*\s*(?:A|B|C|A and B)?\))?\.?$", ptext) mwasadopted = re.match(".*?(?:resolution|decision|agenda|amendment|recommendation).*?(?:was|were) adopted(?i)", ptext) mcalledorder = re.match("The meeting (?:was called to order|rose|was suspended|was adjourned|resumed|was resumed) (?:at|on)", ptext) mtookchair = re.match("\s*(?:In the absence of the President, )?(.*?)(?:, \(?Vice[\-\s]President\)?,)? (?:took|in) the [Cc]hair\.?$", ptext) mretchair = re.match("(?:The President|.*?, Vice-President,|Mrs. Albright.*?|Baroness Amos) (?:returned to|in) the Chair.$", ptext) mescort ="(?:was escorted|escorted the.*?) (?:(?:from|to) the (?:rostrum|podium|platform)|(?:from|into|to its place in) the (?:General Assembly Hall|Conference Room|Security Council Chamber))(?: by the President and the Secretary-General)?\.?$", ptext) msecball ="A vote was taken by secret ballot\.(?: The meeting was suspended at|$)", ptext) mminsil ="The (?:members of the (?:General )?Assembly|Council) observed (?:a|one) minute of (?:silent prayer (?:or|and) meditation|silence)\.$", ptext) mtellers ="At the invitations? of the (?:Acting )?Presidents?.*?acted as tellers\.$|Having been drawn by lot", ptext) melected ="[Hh]aving obtained (?:the required (?:two-thirds )?|an absolute )majority.*?(?:(?:were|was|been|is) s?elected|will be included [io]n the list)", ptext) mmisc ="The Acting President drew the following.*?from the box|sang.*?for the General Assembly|The Assembly heard a musical performance|The Secretary- General presented the award to|From the .*? Group:|Having been drawn by lot by the (?:President|Secretary-General),|were elected members of the Organizational Committee|President \w+ and then Vice-President|Vice-President \S+ \S+ presided over|The following .*? States have.*?been elected members of the Security Council", ptext) mmiscnote ="\[In the 79th plenary .*? III.\]$", ptext) mmstar = re.match("\*", ptext) # insert * in the text mmspokein = re.match("\(spoke in \w+(?:; interpretation.*?|; .*? the delegation)?\)$", ptext) matinvite = re.match("(?:At the invitation of the President, )?.*? (?:(?:took (?:a |the )?|were escorted to their )seats? at the Council table|(?:took|was invited to take) (?:(?:the |a |their )?(?:seat|place)s? reserved for \w+|a seat|a place|places|seats|their seats|his seat) at the (?:side of the )?Council (?:[Cc]hamber|table))(?:;.*?Chamber)?\.$", ptext) mscsilence = re.match("The members of the (?:Security )?Council observed a minute of silence.$", ptext) mscescort ="(?:were|was) escorted to (?:seats|a seat|his place|a place) at the (?:Security )?Council table.$", ptext) mvtape = re.match("A video ?(?:tape)? was (?:shown|played|displayed) in the (?:Council Chamber|General Assembly Hall).$|An audio tape, in Arabic,|The members of the General Assembly heard a musical performance.$", ptext) mvprojscreen = re.match("(?:An image was|Two images were|A video was) projected on screen\.$", ptext) mvresuadjourned = re.match("The meeting was resumed and adjourned on.*? a\.m\.$", ptext) Scraping and Parsing PDFs in Python With Ian Hopkinson from ScraperWiki