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AGU 2023 Oral Presentation

David Lafferty
January 16, 2024

AGU 2023 Oral Presentation

"Downscaling & bias-correction contribution considerable uncertainty to local climate projections in CMIP6" presented at AGU 2023 in San Francisco.

David Lafferty

January 16, 2024


  1. Downscaling & bias-correction contribution considerable uncertainty to local climate projections

    in CMIP6 David Lafferty & Ryan Sriver University of Illinois 0
  2. Managing local climate risks requires high-resolution, accurate climate information. Downscaled

    and bias-corrected model outputs are often used for this purpose. Downscaling & bias-correction can contribute considerable uncertainty to local climate projections. David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 1
  3. How much uncertainty in local climate projections arises from downscaling

    & bias-correction? Downscaling and bias-correction are important sources of uncertainty: • in the near-term (early-to-mid 21st century) • in projections of precipitation • in projections of extremes • in regions where observations disagree David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 2
  4. Ensemble # GCMs Spatial resolution Algorithm Training dataset Reference NEX-GDDP

    22 1/4° BCSD GMFD (1960-2014) Thrasher, B., Wang, W., Michaelis, A. et al. NASA Global Daily Downscaled Projections, CMIP6. Sci Data 9, 262 (2022). CIL-GDPCIR 17 1/4° QDM + QPLAD ERA5 (1995-2014) Gergel, D. R., et al.: Global downscaled projections for climate impacts research (GDPCIR): preserving extremes for modeling future climate impacts, EGUsphere [preprint] ISIMIP3b 10 1/2° ISIMIP3BASD W5E5 v2.0 (1979-2019) Lange, S.: Trend-preserving bias adjustment and statistical downscaling with ISIMIP3BASD (v1.0), Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 3055–3070,. carbonplan GARD-SV 4 1/4° Generalized Analog Regression ERA5 (1981-2010) O Chegwidden, R Hagen, K Martin, M Jones, A Banihirwe, C Chiao, S Frank, J Freeman, J Hamman (2022) “Open data and tools for multiple methods of global climate downscaling" CarbonPlan. https://carbonplan.org/research/cmip6-downscaling- explainer carbonplan DeepSD-BC 2 1/4° SRCNN *at the time of publication David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 3 We include all* global, publicly available, downscaled and bias-corrected CMIP6 outputs
  5. Parent CMIP6 models Downscaling & bias-correction methods SSP scenarios Model

    uncertainty: variance across models, averaged over SSPs and downscaling methods David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 4 We employ a simple variance decomposition approach to partition uncertainty
  6. Downscaling & bias-correction methods SSP scenarios Model uncertainty: variance across

    models, averaged over SSPs and downscaling methods David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 5 We employ a simple variance decomposition approach to partition uncertainty
  7. Model uncertainty: variance across models, averaged over SSPs and downscaling

    methods David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 6 We employ a simple variance decomposition approach to partition uncertainty
  8. Parent CMIP6 models Downscaling & bias-correction methods SSP scenarios Model

    uncertainty: variance across models, averaged over SSPs and downscaling methods Downscaling uncertainty: variance across downscaling methods, averaged over SSPs and models Scenario uncertainty: variance across SSPs of the multi-model, multi-downscaling method mean David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 7 We employ a simple variance decomposition approach to partition uncertainty
  9. • The forced response is extracted via a 4th order

    polynomial fit • Inter-annual variability is characterized as the 10-year rolling variance of the residuals o Hawkins, E. & Sutton, R. The Potential to Narrow Uncertainty in Regional Climate Predictions. B Am Meteorol Soc 90, 1095–1107 (2009). o Hawkins, E. & Sutton, R. The potential to narrow uncertainty in projections of regional precipitation change. Clim Dyn 37, 407–418 (2011). David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 8 We separate inter-annual variability from the forced response
  10. David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 9 03 4 674

     9 -. 1). 3 %  66  ,25 ., 4. 4 (6.21 2 626 8 4. 1(  ( 1 4.2 2) 2915( .1, 4. . .6        9 -. 1). 3 66 ,25 ., 4.  
  11. Downscaling and bias-correction are important sources of uncertainty: • in

    the near-term (early-to-mid 21st century) • in projections of precipitation • in projections of extremes • in regions where observations disagree David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 10
  12. David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 14 Thank you! Open

    Access Paper Interactive dashboard lafferty-sriver-2023-downscaling-uncertainty.msdlive.org
  13. David Lafferty University of Illinois david0811.github.io 16 CMIP6 model NEX-GDDP

    CIL-GDPCIR GARD-SV DeepSD-BC ISIMIP3BASD ACCESS-ESM1-5 SSP5-8.5 BCC-CSM2-MR SSP1-2.6; pr CanESM5 SSP1-2.6 SSP1-2.6 SSP2-4.5 CMCC-ESM2 CNRM-CM6-1 SSP2-4.5 CNRM-ESM2-1 SSP2-4.5 EC-Earth3 SSP2-4.5 EC-Earth3-Veg-LR GFDL-ESM4 HadGEM3-GC31-LL SSP3-7.0 SSP3-7.0 INM-CM4-8 INM-CM5-0 IPSL-CM6A-LR MIROC-ES2L MIROC6 SSP1-2.6; pr SSP2-4.5 MPI-ESM1-2-HR SSP1-2.6 MPI-ESM1-2-LR MRI-ESM2-0 SSP1-2.6; pr for SSP5-8.5 NESM3 SSP3-7.0 SSP3-7.0 NorESM2-LM NorESM2-MM UKESM1-0-LL