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Cornell BEE seminar

David Lafferty
October 09, 2023

Cornell BEE seminar

Talk given at the Cornell Biological and Environmental Engineering department seminar on September 11th 2023.

David Lafferty

October 09, 2023


  1. The challenges of generating and using local-scale climate information David

    Lafferty University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Cornell BEE Seminar September 11, 2023
  2. 2 Quantifying the risks of a changing climate Edwards, P.N.

    (2011), History of climate modeling. WIREs Clim Change, 2: 128-139 • Climate change presents risks to human and natural systems o These risks manifest at local scales • Coupled general circulation models (GCMs) can help quantify these risks
  3. 3 How will average temperatures in Ithaca change in future?

    Scenario uncertainty Model uncertainty Internal variability Sources of uncertainty in climate projections • Future greenhouse gas emissions trajectories https://www.dkrz.de/en/communication/climate-simulations/cmip6-en/the-ssp-scenarios
  4. 4 How will average temperatures in Ithaca change in future?

    Sources of uncertainty in climate projections • Different GCM structures and parameters • Chaotic nature of the Earth system Scenario uncertainty Model uncertainty Internal variability • Future greenhouse gas emissions trajectories
  5. 5 Scenario uncertainty: variance across scenarios of the multi-model mean

    Variance decomposition: average temperatures in Ithaca Sources of uncertainty in climate projections
  6. 6 Sources of uncertainty in climate projections Variance decomposition: average

    temperatures in Ithaca Scenario uncertainty: variance across scenarios of the multi-model mean Model uncertainty: variance across models, averaged over scenarios
  7. 7 Internal variability: magnitude of residuals, averaged over models and

    scenarios Sources of uncertainty in climate projections Variance decomposition: average temperatures in Ithaca Model uncertainty: variance across models, averaged over scenarios Scenario uncertainty: variance across scenarios of the multi-model mean
  8. 9 What is ”Ithaca” in a global climate model? The

    need for localized climate information • Many end-users require higher-resolution information • Coarse resolution can contribute to biases related to: o Subgrid-scale processes o Heterogeneity in surface properties
  9. 10 Downscaling & bias-correction Downscaling aims to infer higher resolution

    information o Dynamical: high-resolution regional model forced via GCM boundary conditions o Empirical/statistical: spatial disaggregation, regression or analog methods, machine learning
  10. 11 Downscaling & bias-correction Downscaling aims to infer higher resolution

    information o Dynamical: high-resolution regional model forced via GCM boundary conditions o Empirical/statistical: spatial disaggregation, regression or analog methods, machine learning Bias-correction aims to correct systematic biases o Often a quantile mapping approach Pierce, D. W., et al., Improved Bias Correction Techniques for Hydrological Simulations of Climate Change. J. Hydrometeor (2015)
  11. 12 Downscaling & bias-correction Downscaling aims to infer higher resolution

    information o Dynamical: high-resolution regional model forced via GCM boundary conditions o Empirical/statistical: spatial disaggregation, regression or analog methods, machine learning Ø Both depend on training (observational) data Bias-correction aims to correct systematic biases o Often a quantile mapping approach Ø Many impact or risk assessments rely on one downscaled & bias-corrected ensemble
  12. 14 Tania Lopez-Cantu et al, Incorporating uncertainty from downscaled rainfall

    projections into climate resilience planning in U.S. cities, 2022 Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 2 045006 Ø 16 of 21 (76%) climate adaptation plans rely on downscaled climate projections Ø None rely on raw GCM outputs Downscaled ensembles are widely used • Impact assessments • Public sector decision-making
  13. 15 Example from a single model: CanESM5 under SSP3-7.0 Downscaling

    & bias-correction can introduce uncertainty
  14. 16 Example from a single model: CanESM5 under SSP3-7.0 Downscaling

    & bias-correction can introduce uncertainty
  15. 17 Example from a single model: CanESM5 under SSP3-7.0 Downscaling

    & bias-correction can introduce uncertainty
  16. 18 Scenario uncertainty: variance across scenarios of the multi-model, multi-ensemble

    mean Model uncertainty: variance across models, averaged over scenarios and ensembles Internal variability: magnitude of residuals, averaged over models, scenarios, and ensembles Ø Downscaling uncertainty: variance across ensembles, averaged over models and scenarios Variance decomposition: Ithaca average temperatures Characterizing uncertainty associated with downscaling & bias-correction
  17. 22 Key takeaways so far • Downscaling and bias-correction uncertainty

    is relatively more important: o over the near-term o in projections of climate extremes o in projections of precipitation
  18. 23 Key takeaways so far • Objectives: ü Variance decomposition

    analysis at global scale ü Suite of climate metrics measuring climate averages and extremes ü Downscaled & bias-corrected ensembles from CMIP6 • Downscaling and bias-correction uncertainty is relatively more important: o over the near-term o in projections of climate extremes o in projections of precipitation Ø Lafferty, D. & Sriver, R., Downscaling and bias-correction contribute considerable uncertainty to local climate projections in CMIP6, npj Clim Atmos (2023)
  19. 24 Global, publicly available, downscaled and bias- corrected CMIP6 outputs

    Ensemble # GCMs Spatial res. Downscaling method Training dataset NEX-GDDP 22 1/4° Spatial disaggregation via bilinear interpolation GMFD (1960-2014) CIL-GDPCIR 17 1/4° Quantile-preserving localized analogs ERA5 (1995-2014) ISIMIP3b 10 1/2° Bilinear interpolation & quantile mapping W5E5 v2.0 (1979-2019) carbonplan GARD-SV 4 1/4° Generalized analog regression ERA5 (1981-2010) carbonplan DeepSD-BC 2 1/4° Convolutional neural network
  20. 30 Key takeaways from the global results • Downscaling and

    bias-correction uncertainty can represent considerable sources of uncertainty: o over the near-term o in projections of climate extremes o in projections of precipitation o in regions where observations disagree
  21. 31 Key takeaways from the global results • Downscaling and

    bias-correction uncertainty can represent considerable sources of uncertainty: o over the near-term o in projections of climate extremes o in projections of precipitation o in regions where observations disagree • Additional insights: o Threshold metrics: hot days, wet days, dry days, hot & dry days o Temporally compounding extremes o Large observational disagreements over coastal areas
  22. 32 Ongoing research: What can users do? • Sampling different

    downscaled ensembles may be necessary to characterize the full range of possible climate futures o Doing so may significantly increase data and computational requirements!
  23. 33 NEX-GDDP ISIMIP3b CIL-GDPCIR Carbonplan: GARD-SV Carbonplan: DeepSD-BC LOCA OakRidge:

    RegCM4 OakRidge: DBCCA UCLA Spatial Resolution 0.25° 0.5° 0.25° 0.25° 0.25° ~6km ~4km ~4km ~9km Spatial Extent Global Global Global Global Global North America CONUS CONUS Western US CMIP6 GCM ACCESS-CM2 Missing SSP1-2.6 & SSP5-8.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP5-8.5 only SSP5-8.5 only SSP3-7.0 only ACCESS-ESM1-5 Missing SSP5-8.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 BCC-CSM2-MR Missing SSP1-2.6 & pr Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP5-8.5 only SSP5-8.5 only CanESM5 Missing SSP2-4.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 Missing SSP1-2.6 Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP3-7.0 only CNRM-CM6-1 Missing SSP2-4.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 CNRM-ESM2-1 Missing SSP2-4.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP5-8.5 only SSP5-8.5 only SSP3-7.0 only EC-Earth3 Missing SSP2-4.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP3-7.0 only FGOALS-g3 Missing pr for SSP1-2.6 Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP3-7.0 only GFDL-ESM4 Missing SSP1-2.6 HadGEM3-GC31-LL Missing SSP3-7.0 Missing SSP3-7.0 Missing SSP1-2.6 MIROC6 Missing SSP2-4.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 & pr Missing SSP1-2.6 MPI-ESM1-2-HR Missing SSP1-2.6 Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP5-8.5 only SSP5-8.5 only MPI-ESM1-2-LR Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP3-7.0 only MRI-ESM2-0 Missing SSP1-2.6 & pr for SSP5-8.5 Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP5-8.5 only SSP5-8.5 only NorESM2-LM Missing SSP1-2.6 NorESM2-MM Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP5-8.5 only SSP5-8.5 only UKESM1-0-LL Missing SSP1-2.6 SSP3-7.0 only
  24. 34 Ongoing research: case study for US agriculture Climate Temperature

    & precipitation drivers LOCA ü Initial condition sampling ü Several scenarios and models OakRidge ü Dynamical & statistical downscaling ü Trained on multiple observational datasets + others... UNH Water Balance Model Ø Parametric uncertainty Statistical yield model Ø Structural uncertainty Ø Parametric uncertainty • Sensitivity analysis • Generalizable insights Hydrology Soil moisture simulation Agriculture US maize outcomes • Lafferty et al. (in prep.) Combined sensitivity analysis of climate, hydrologic, and agricultural modeling uncertainties for US maize yield projections • Alipour et al. (in prep.) Identifying the key parameters driving uncertainty in crop yield prediction
  25. 36 Downscaling and bias-correction can represent considerable sources of uncertainty:

    o over the near-term o in projections of precipitation o in projections of climate extremes o in regions of observational disagreement Thank you!