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An Intro to UX Design @ Goodreads

David Fung
March 18, 2014

An Intro to UX Design @ Goodreads

Intro to how our design team at Goodreads works. Here we look at how one team at Goodreads specifically worked from start to finish of a product development cycle.

David Fung

March 18, 2014

More Decks by David Fung

Other Decks in Design


  1. Graphic 
 2004-2008 2008-2010 2010-Present Visual 

    Designer Graduated AICA-SF 2005 PLANET Magazine
 Education Finance Partners Celery Design 
 Hutner SF Yardbarker
 CBS Interactive Goodreads/Amazon
  2. Wireframes
 Omnigraffle UX Pin Mocks
 Adobe Photoshop Adobe Fireworks Adobe

    Illustrator Prototypes
 Solidify ! Research Ears Recording Tool
 Pear Note, Evernote
  3. We design incrementally by using the AGILE Process and work

    parallel with Development http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/business_agility/article/agiledevelopment.html
  4. We design incrementally by using the AGILE Process and work

    parallel with Development http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/business_agility/article/agiledevelopment.html FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK
  5. Sample of Design Process in AGILE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS DESIGN 2

    Week Sprint 2 Week Sprint Iterate and Repeat RESEARCH Mid-sprint
  6. How we track tasks? http://eringirard.blogspot.com/2011/01/post-it-wall.html - Instead of Studio 

    or Project Managers we manage tasks - JIRA, our project
 management tool
  7. ETHNOGRAPHIC INTERVIEWS Looking to find out about how users

    books. ! USABILITY TESTING Looking to find out about how 
 users find books on our site. Source: Just Enough Research, By Erika Hall
  8. ETHNOGRAPHIC INTERVIEWS Ethnography is a research method based on observing

    people in their natural environment rather than in 
 a formal research setting.
 USABILITY TESTING Tasked-based research. Done 
 on-site in front of a moderator
 or remotely via Skype. Source: Just Enough Research, By Erika Hall
  9. Mobile Web 1 designer, 2.5 developers Other GR Teams -

    Desktop - Mobile (Native) - Goodreads on Kindle
  10. MVP (Minimal viable product) - Developing simplified set 

    features - Get in front of users to get 
 learnings as soon as possible - Designing just enough, 
 just-in-time, iterative, and 
 not all upfront http://www.andersramsay.com/2012/09/24/the-ux-of-mvps/
  11. MVP (Minimal viable product) - Discovery via newsfeed - Search

    for Books + Authors - Book, Author, and User Pages - Updating reading status on 
 Currently Reading books
  12. Sketching 
 (Super Low Fidelity) - Get ideas down quick

    - Start collaborating early with 
 lightweight idea generation
  13. Wireframing (Still Low-fidelity) - More formalized - Shared with larger

    group of 
 developers and stakeholders - Focuses on content and 
 structure, rather than visual 
  14. Mocks! - “Finalized” design deliverable - Denotes that the design

    is ready
 for developer to start work. Even
 though this design is finished,
 some elements may change
  15. Usability Testing - Get the designs out there 

    early as possible to 
 collect feedback - Challenge assumptions and 
 learn about pain points in 
 real life http://www.blinkux.com/insights/blog/mobile-application-usability-testing/
  16. (Trying to) speak the 
 same language - Encourages further

 collaboration with developers - Teaches you about design