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Databases On Kubernetes: Why You should care

Databases On Kubernetes: Why You should care

Developers always expected databases to work out-of-the-box, but historically it is the exact opposite.

With the rise of Kubernetes StatefulSets and CRDs, we started thinking about running databases on it. But why should I do that in the first place? How hard is it? Which are the challenges? Is it production already? All those questions will be answered during a live demo where we will deploy a database, deploy an operator, fail nodes, scale up and down with almost no manual intervention.


June 06, 2020

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  1. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. DATABASES ON KUBERNETES Denis Rosa | Developer Advocate @deniswsrosa @deniswsrosa WHY YOU SHOULD CARE
  2. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. @deniswsrosa 2016 Containers are designed to be stateless
  3. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. @deniswsrosa Fast forward to 2020…
  4. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. @deniswsrosa What have changed?
  5. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. @deniswsrosa • Production-Grade Images • Easier to setup and configure • Separate storage from compute • Kubernetes and StatefulSets …
  6. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. @deniswsrosa Databases typically have numerous tuning parameters, a new immutable container image for every possible database configuration can quickly result in image sprawl.
  7. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. @deniswsrosa Using configuration management tools can help to solve part of the problem, but shouldn’t it be part of the solution?
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    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. DEMO1 – A K8S TODO LIST
  9. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 12 CRDs + K8s Operators
  10. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 13 Java Operator - Example Source: https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2019/10/07/write-a-simple-kubernetes-operator-in-java-using-the-fabric8-kubernetes-client/
  11. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 14 Quick Operator Revision Operator Knowledge from app experts Deployments Autoscaling StatefulSets Configs
  12. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 15 K8s Database Operators Provide a cloud agnostic Database-as-a-Service solution
  13. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. DEMO 2 – LET’S PLAY WITH A DATABASE ON KUBERNETES
  14. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 17 Other Possibilities Automated Backup XDCR Prometheus Metrics
  15. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 18 Standard Deployment
  16. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 19 MySQL Operator https://github.com/presslabs/mysql-operator
  17. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 20 DBaaS vs Databases on K8S • Easy; • Low TCO for small/medium workloads*; • Lacks flexibility*; • Average performance; DBaaS DB on K8S • Still requires some K8s knowledge; • Same flexibility as bare metal; • Operators can automate most of the hard work; • One of the best options for databases with large number of nodes; • Potentially the default option in the near future;
  18. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 22 Kubernetes Storage https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads Ephemeral Remote Persistent Local Persistent Easiest one, but you lose all data if the pod gets killed. Latency limits the performance of applications with intensive read/write profiles or distributed datastores Not a general purpose storage solution
  19. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 23 Local Persistent Storage https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads
  20. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 24 Local Persistent Storage - Trade offs https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads • Inflexible placements • Lower availability • Lower data durability (not replicated) • Requires Node/disk preparation
  21. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 25 Local Persistent Storage - Trade offs https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads It is ok for databases as they already have data replication internally
  22. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 26 Host Path vs Local Persistent Storage https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads Allows your pod to specify any path in your disk Not portable Not disk accountable Hard to use at scale Host Path
  23. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 27 Host Path vs Local Persistent Storage https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads Leverages the persistent volumes interface Security: Only adms can create/define the content of the PVs Portability Disk accountability StatefulSets Local Persistent Storage
  24. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 28 Bare Metal Vs Containers https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark YCSB includes a set of core workloads that define a basic benchmark for cloud systems
  25. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 29 Workload A https://blog.couchbase.com/performance-certification-of-couchbase-server-5-5-on-kubernetes-platform/ Workload A Update heavy workload: Mix of 50/50 reads and writes Workload E Short ranges: Short ranges of records are queried, instead of individual records. ~0% No substantial difference <10% Performance penalty
  26. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 30 Workload A https://blog.couchbase.com/performance-certification-of-couchbase-server-5-5-on-kubernetes-platform/
  27. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 31 Workload E https://blog.couchbase.com/performance-certification-of-couchbase-server-5-5-on-kubernetes-platform/
  28. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 32 Bare Metal Vs Containers https://blog.couchbase.com/performance-certification-of-couchbase-server-5-5-on-kubernetes-platform/ Worst Case: Add an extra node to compensate for potential performance penalties
  29. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 33 Other Operators @deniswsrosa
  30. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. 34 Other Operators https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7h0F34iBx0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn1vd7sQ_bc @deniswsrosa
  31. Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. ©

    Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved. THANKS! @DENISWSROSA