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Business Problems & DevOps Solutions

November 19, 2015

Business Problems & DevOps Solutions


November 19, 2015

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  1. Absence of team identity Members do not feel mutually accountable

    to one another for the team’s objectives. Lack of commitment and effort, conflict between team goals and members’ personal goals, and poor collaboration.
  2. Difficulty making decisions Team members may be rigidly adhering to

    their positions during decision making or making repeated arguments rather than introducing new information.
  3. Poor communication Team members interrupt or talk over one another.

    Consistent silence from some members during meetings, allusions to problems but failure to formally address them, or false consensus (everyone nods in agreement without truly agreeing).
  4. More poor communication Mistrust between IT and the business team.

    The business does not feel like it has a good handle on what's happening with its projects, and starts trying to micromanage or force things to happen.
  5. Inability to resolve conflicts Conflicts can not be resolved when

    there are heightened tensions and team members make personal attacks or aggressive gestures.
  6. Lack of participation Team members fail to complete assignments. Poor

    attendance at team meetings or low energy during meetings.
  7. Lack of creativity The team is unable to generate fresh

    ideas and perspectives and doesn’t turn unexpected events into opportunities.
  8. Groupthink The team is unwilling or unable to consider alternative

    ideas or approaches. A lack of critical thinking and debate over ideas. Often happens when the team overemphasizes team agreement and unity.
  9. Ineffective leadership Leaders fail teams by not defining a compelling

    vision for the team, not delegating, or not representing multiple constituencies.
  10. Common IT projects • funded with capex • have a

    start and an end ◦ even agile projects • expected delivery or ‘handover’ • team moves to other project(s) • delivery pressure
  11. Common IT project problems • mass amnesia • little incentive

    to invest in longevity • cutting corners • no need to live with results of decisions • ops team under-resourced ◦ supports multiple projects
  12. The "pregnant woman" mistake Project management often forget that “just

    because one woman can have a baby in nine months does not mean that nine women can have a baby in one month” Every person added to a project adds friction to the project as well.
  13. Wrong metrics The easier it is to collect a metric,

    the more likely that it's not measuring anything useful. “Tell me how you measure me, and I tell you how I behave.”
  14. Estimating times too far out Project manager who honestly think

    they know what pieces of functionality any given developer will be working on more than a month or two out are likely to be disappointed and mistaken.
  15. Failing to account for tasks A high chance that a

    broad estimate omits something important.
  16. Disconnected business priorities A wide gap between the priorities of

    projects within the development organization, the priority of the project in the view of the overall business, and the priority of the project in the eyes of the requester.
  17. Zombie Organisations Don’t be a ‘Zombie’ organisation by Steven Spear

  18. Constructing a wall of process For an overwhelmed development team,

    one of the natural reactions is to establish a lot of process to slow things down.
  19. The "hit-the-ground-running" myth Adding people to a project, it is

    tempting to assume that they can hit the ground running. No one hits the ground running in the world of software development, and those who say they do are mistaken.
  20. Multi-tasking Ask people to multi-task, the worse their work will

    be and the longer it will take. This applies to the minute-to-minute level as well as the hour-to-hour or day-to-day level. The more you demand from people, the more the wheels fall off.
  21. Interruptive interactions across your team Any interruption when a developer

    is in the middle of what they're doing is a big distraction, and it will take them a lot of time to remember what they were doing before.
  22. Neglect to test and code review Skip these two practices

    and chances are you'll probably release some code that will have to be reviewed and fixed within a day.
  23. Conway’s Law Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly)

    will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure. www.melconway.com/Home/Conways_Law.html Melvin Conway, Datamation 1968
  24. Active Stakeholder Participation Fundamental philosophy of DevOps is that devs

    and ops must work closely together on a regular basis.
  25. Automated Testing Agile software developers are said to be "quality

    infected" because of their focus on writing quality code and their desire to test as often and early as possible.
  26. Integrated Configuration Management Dev teams apply CM at the application

    level, including production configuration issues.
  27. Integrated Change Management Ensuring a successful and meaningful evolution of

    the IT infrastructure to better support the overall organization.
  28. Continuous Integration The discipline of building and validating a project,

    through automated regression testing and sometimes code analysis whenever updated code is checked into the version control system.
  29. Integrated Deployment Planning Take a cross-team approach to deployment planning

    due to the need for operations staff to work with all of your development teams.
  30. Continuous Deployment Continuous deployment extends the practice of continuous integration.

    With continuous deployment, when your integration is successful in one sandbox, your changes are automatically promoted to the next sandbox, and integration is automatically started there.
  31. Production Support The dev team will often be referred to

    as "level three support" for the application because they will be the third (and last) team to be involved with fixing critical production problems.
  32. Application Monitoring Monitoring application-specific functionality, such as what user interface

    (UI) features are being used by given types of users, instrumentation will need to be built into the applications.
  33. DevOps Is Really About Culture The primary critical success factor

    is to build a collaborative and respectful culture across your entire IT organization.
  34. We invite you to join Operations Israel Facebook group on

    on.fb.me/Ops-IL we are hiring at jobs@devops.co.il Thank you! www.devops.co.il
  35. Reference: https://youtu.be/oM-Rzpz-yeM - #GoatOps explaining what #DevOps is about Ben

    Rockwood - SmartOS Operations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96PGoXHli3Q DevOps Solves Business Problems https://puppetlabs.com/blog/devops-solves-business-problems-gene-kims-top-aha-moments Benefits of DevOps http://newrelic.com/devops/benefits-of-devops The DevOps Lifecycle: Keep C.A.L.M and Carry On http://newrelic.com/devops/lifecycle 6 Common Causes of Conflict DevOps Sets Out to Solve http://devops.com/2015/02/06/6-common-causes-conflict-devops-sets-solve/ DevOps is not a technology problem. DevOps is a business problem. http://dev2ops.org/2010/11/devops-is-not-a-technology-problem-devops-is-a-business-problem/ 6 Challenges Facing DevOps and Operations Teams in 2015 https://blog.logentries.com/2014/10/6-challenges-facing-devops-and-operations-teams-in-2015/ What exact is DevOps? http://www.drdobbs.com/architecture-and-design/what-exactly-is-devops/240009147 Uncovering The DevOps Improvement Principles At Google (Randy Shoup) http://itrevolution.com/uncovering-the-devops-improvement-principles-behind-google-randy-shoup-interview/ Reinventing the Wheel (Randy Shoup) http://www.randyshoup.com/reinventing-the-wheel Don’t be a ‘Zombie’ organisation (Steven Spear) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steven-spear/dont-be-a-zombie-organiza_b_3306513.html
  36. - https://twitter.com/cshl1/status/656267661043634176 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B003GIPEC2 The High-Velocity Edge: How Market Leaders Leverage

    Operational Excellence to Beat the Competition https://twitter.com/damonedwards/status/656240949681524736 https://twitter.com/joshcorman/status/656233898104373248 https://twitter.com/RealGeneKim/status/656231101162090496 https://twitter.com/RealGeneKim/status/656231787757047808 http://t.co/oR6DxH3026 - https://puppetlabs.com/blog/devops-culture-podcast - http://sysadvent.blogspot.co.il/2010/12/day-18-devops.html - http://sysadvent.blogspot.co.il/2010/12/day-22-devops-where-are-we-now-part-2.html - http://sysadvent.blogspot.co.il/2011/12/day-25-learning-from-other-industries.html - http://sysadvent.blogspot.co.il/2008/12/day-19-visibility-and-communication.html - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kZ9PJzUoLPhhWTUtJSSYWKbOXYR6GgYqwIpxNrVZUcY/