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[2016.11 Meetup #7] [TALK #1] Hugo Amorim - The...

DevOps Lisbon
November 17, 2016

[2016.11 Meetup #7] [TALK #1] Hugo Amorim - The delivery pipeline @ BPI

Imagine that you have an ecosystem with dozens of different technologies and IT systems that span from the decades-old to the cutting edge. How would you handle the integration challenges of an IT ecosystem with thousands of services and where a significant percentage of business requests cross-cut multiple systems? How would you shepherd all these changes from development to production, in compliance with regulatory demands, including strict traceability and auditability requirements? Oh, and with the robustness expected from a bank? Well, with some DevOps practices, that’s how!

DevOps Lisbon

November 17, 2016

More Decks by DevOps Lisbon

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  1. always evolving… •  (very) frequent Change •  rapidly changing Market

    •  constantly adap@ng Business •  heavy Regula@on •  strict Audi@ng
  2. the problem •  mul@ple SCM tools •  mul@ple Delivery processes

    •  some changes not managed by SCM tools •  lots of manual-based tasks •  challenging end-to-end traceability •  limited feedback
  3. manage everything •  Extended support for other types of Change:

    – Build configura@ons – Deploy configura@ons
  4. manage everything •  Extended support for other types of Change:

    – Build configura@ons – Deploy configura@ons – Applica@on/Infrastructure configura@ons
  5. manage everything •  Extended support for other types of Change:

    – Build configura@ons – Deploy configura@ons – Applica@on/Infrastructure configura@ons – Database
  6. conInuous integraIon •  Builds started by RTC •  No manual

    interven@on on Hudson •  Build broken = Stop! •  Each environment has its own CI
  7. the pipeline RTC CI Hudson Deployment Butler Ar@facts build deploy

    deliver checkin deploy install configure
  8. automate •  One click deployments •  Reduce manual tasks • 

    Support different technologies •  Deploy database changes •  Deploy infrastructure configura@ons
  9. database deployments before •  manual tasks •  copy & paste

    problems •  encoding problems •  changes not applied •  out of sequence a[er •  no surprises •  always deployed •  zero wait for manual deploy –  from several days to just a few seconds •  database drop and recreate every week – the GEOS case •  the AIX case – from reluctance to enthusiasm
  10. one click deployments before •  reluctance to deploy changes • 

    hard to know what is currently deployed •  deploy to black box •  limited feedback •  @me-consuming a[er •  consistent deploys on all environments •  the eCode pla`orm –  dependency nightmare solved –  infrastructure catalogued –  full pla`orm deploy in less than an hour •  real-@me feedback
  11. feedback and self-support before •  most teams depended on our

    availability •  logs oaen inaccessible •  long development cycles •  reopening a change requested manual ALM interven@on a[er •  immediate feedback from delivery ac@ons •  logs available on RTC •  faster feedback = quick reac@on from development •  more autonomy
  12. next steps •  Eliminate ALL manual tasks •  Extend types

    of changes •  (More) Automated Tests – Smoke tests – Func@onal tests •  Applica@on Catalogue •  Con@nuous Delivery