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[2020.07 Meetup] [INTRO] DevOps Lisbon

[2020.07 Meetup] [INTRO] DevOps Lisbon

DevOps Lisbon

July 13, 2020

More Decks by DevOps Lisbon

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  1. Shout out for Talks, workshops or ideas Become a Speaker!

    What could be an interesting workshop or topic? info@devopslisbon.com
  2. Online Meetup Guidelines • When you join, you will be

    kept muted to avoid noise • We ask you to rename yourself to include your name and city/location • Turn on your webcam if you don’t mind, so we can recognize each other’s faces and make this more in-person like :) • After each presentation, there will be a Q&A round
  3. Online Meetup Guidelines (cont.) • If you have a question,

    “Raise hand” to let us know OR write it in the chat • If you “raise hand”, we will call your name and unmute you so you can ask the question • If you write the question in the chat, we will read it out loud • Feel free to use the chat for discussions with other participants • We will keep the call open for 10/15m after the talks for further discussions
  4. Keep the discussion going! • Use the chat • Share

    your questions and opinions of other related DevOps Topics at the end