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[2020.06 Meetup] [INTRO] DevOps Lisbon

[2020.06 Meetup] [INTRO] DevOps Lisbon

DevOps Lisbon

June 15, 2020

More Decks by DevOps Lisbon

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  1. Conferences & Events JUL 1 5 FREE PASSES code: SUOnline0228

    http://jfrog.co/swampup (JFrog will donate the $20 ticket on behalf of the first 5 people who sign up)
  2. Shout out for Talks, workshops or ideas Become a Speaker!

    What could be an interesting workshop or topic? info@devopslisbon.com
  3. Meetup #50 ! Trust Me, We're Doing DevSecOps Patrick Debois

    Director of Dev Ops Relations at Snyk
  4. Online Meetup Guidelines 1. When you join, you will be

    kept muted to avoid noise 2. We ask you to rename yourself to include your name and city/location 3. Turn on your webcam if you don’t mind, so we can recognize each other’s faces and make this more in-person like :) 4. After each presentation, there will be a Q&A round
  5. Online Meetup Guidelines (cont.) 5. If you have a question,

    “Raise hand” to let us know OR write it in the chat a. If you “raise hand”, we will call your name and unmute you so you can ask the question b. If you write the question in the chat, we will read it out loud 6. Feel free to use the chat for discussions with other participants 7. We will keep the call open for 10/15m after the talks for further discussions