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ReactorKit으로 단방향 반응형 앱 만들기

Suyeol Jeon
September 24, 2017

ReactorKit으로 단방향 반응형 앱 만들기

Suyeol Jeon

September 24, 2017

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  2. Why? 1. Massive View Controller • ੉޷ ݆਷ ࢎۈٜ੉ ҕхೞח

    ޙઁ • ೧Ѿೞӝ ਤೠ ৈ۞ ࢸ҅ ಁఢٜ੉ ઓ੤
  3. Why? 1. Massive View Controller • ੉޷ ݆਷ ࢎۈٜ੉ ҕхೞח

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    + MVC? • Rx + MVVM? ⚠ ҕా੸ੋ ޙઁ: ࢚క ҙܻо ݒ਋ য۵׮.
  5. Why? - Problems Cyclic Data Dependencies • ׮਺ ੘সਸ ਤ೧

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  6. Why? - Problems Cyclic Data Dependencies • औѱ ೧Ѿೞח ߑߨ:

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  7. Why? ೞҊर਷ Ѫ: 1. Massive View Controllerܳ ೖೞݶࢲ 2. RxSwift੄

    ੢੼ਸ ݽف ஂೞҊ र׮ 3. ӒܻҊ ࢚క ҙܻо एਛਵݶ જѷ׮
  8. ReactorKit 1. Massive View Controllerܳ ೖೞҊ र׮. ✅ • ࠭৬

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  9. ReactorKit 2. RxSwift੄ ੢੼ਸ ݽف ஂೞҊ र׮. ✅ • ReactorKit਷

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  10. ReactorKit 3. ࢚క ҙܻо एਛਵݶ જѷ׮. ✅ • ױߑೱ ؘ੉ఠ

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  11. ReactorKit ӒܻҊ... • ౠ੿ ӝמী ࠗ࠙੸ ੸ਊ оמ (੘ѱ द੘)

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  13. Basic Concept • ࢎਊ੗ ੑ۱ਸ ߉ইࢲ Reactorী ੹׳ • Reactor۽ࠗఠ

    ߉਷ ࢚కܳ ۪؊݂ • ࠭ ஶ౟܀۞, ࣄ, ஶ౟܀ ١ਸ ݽف View۽ ஂә
  14. Basic Concept protocol View { associatedtype Reactor var disposeBag: DisposeBag

    // self.reactorо ߄Շݶ ഐ୹ؽ func bind(reactor: Reactor) }
  15. Basic Concept protocol StoryboardView { associatedtype Reactor var disposeBag: DisposeBag

    // ࠭о ۽٘غݶ ഐ୹ؽ func bind(reactor: Reactor) } // Storyboardܳ ࢎਊೞח ҃਋
  16. Basic Concept • Viewীࢲ ੹׳߉਷ Actionী ٮۄ ۽૒ ࣻ೯ •

    ࢚కܳ ҙܻೞҊ ࢚కо ߸҃غݶ Viewী ੹׳ • ؀ࠗ࠙੄ Viewח ؀਽غח Reactorܳ о૗
  17. Data Flow Action੉ Stateܳ ߄۽ ߸҃ೞ૑ח ঋ਺ • ࠺زӝ ఋ੐ী

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  18. Data Flow class ProfileViewReactor: Reactor { enum Action { case

    follow // ࢎਊ੗ ੑ۱ } struct State { var isFollowing: Bool // ࠭ ࢚క } }
  19. Data Flow class ProfileViewReactor: Reactor { enum Action { case

    follow // ࢎਊ੗ ੑ۱ } struct State { var isFollowing: Bool // ࠭ ࢚క } } ࢎਊ੗ܳ ౹۽਋ೞח API ਃ୒ റ Stateо ߄Շযঠ ೣ
  20. Data Flow class ProfileViewReactor: Reactor { enum Action { case

    follow // ࢎਊ੗ ੑ۱ } enum Mutation { case setFollowing(Bool) // ࢚క ߸҃ } struct State { var isFollowing: Bool // ࠭ ࢚క } }
  21. Community Swift Korea Slack: #reactorkit ଻օ • http://slack.swiftkorea.org/ RxSwift Slack:

    #reactorkit ଻օ (৔য) • http://rxswift-slack.herokuapp.com/