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Workshop Session #2: Beyond the text: teaching ...

Workshop Session #2: Beyond the text: teaching with digital archives, collections, and multimodal materials in class

Dimitris C. Papadopoulos

August 13, 2020

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    WITH MULTIMODAL CONTENT Dimitris C. Papadopoulos Ph.D NEH CARES Instructional Technologist [email protected] https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/dcpapadopoulos/
  2. Overview of Workshops Session #1: Working with texts Session #2:

    Working with multimodal content Session #3: mapping and teaching with urban and spatial data Session #4: digital humanities tools for crisis response, mobilization, and support
  3. Session #2: Working with texts. tools for remote and collaborative

    text annotation, analysis, editing and publishing • Embedding media: Wordpress / CUNY Commons • Exploring data • Structuring data: Dublin Core and metadata standards • Omeka S
  4. Some questions to consider • How often do you work

    with visual/non-textual combined media in your classes?
  5. Some questions to consider • What kind of media do

    you mostly use (e.g. Youtube videos, social media content, maps)?
  6. Some questions to consider • What do you find to

    be the biggest barrier, difficulty or challenge in integrating different media types in class content?
  7. Structuring our data Tidying up and structuring our data in

    a way that is "machine readable" and can be converted to different formats and linked to other datasets and collections is critical in building a sustainable dh project for research or teaching. Properly formatting and structuring data tends to be a time-consuming (often underestimated) task of dh projects.
  8. Structuring our data The Dublin Core Metadata Terms developed by

    the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is a vocabulary of fifteen properties used in resource description: https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-c ore/dces/ Some of the most widely used tools and platforms for digital collections management use the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set as the core, "minimum" set of descriptive fields for items and resources.
  9. Platforms for collections and multimodal content • authoring and publishing

    platform • long-form, born-digital scholarship • allows users to assemble media from multiple sources • semantic web authoring
  10. Platforms for collections and multimodal content • Supports single site

    • Uses Dublin Core • Item > Collection • Supports different media (images, video, documents) • Expandable with plugins • Supports multiple sites • Uses pool of resources • Uses multiple vocabularies • Item > Multiple item sets • Supports different media (images, video, documents) • Expandable with plugins
  11. Some takeaways • Know your data. Encourage students to download,

    use, explore, visualize datasets to reveal relations, geographies, timelines, trajectories.
  12. Some takeaways • Structure you data. Encourage students to get

    familiar with metadata standards, describing/documenting items, archives, collections
  13. Some takeaways • Review cases and examples of using text

    analysis and tools in class (online, hybrid or on campus)