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NEH CARES DH Workshop #1

NEH CARES DH Workshop #1

Dimitris C. Papadopoulos

August 07, 2020

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    C. Papadopoulos Ph.D NEH CARES Instructional Technologist [email protected] https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/dcpapadopoulos/
  2. Digital humanities and pedagogy: some realizations Technology is not the

    end goal: Faculty members have to adjust their pedagogy approach in almost impossible ways. Online is more work. No need for additional burdens. Need for tech and platforms that add flexibility, encourage participation from students and offer the added value of reusability.
  3. Digital humanities and pedagogy: some realizations Technology is not neutral:

    The adoption of tools and platforms depends on the learning objective, type of class and overall pedagogy approach of faculty members. Need for tech as response to actual needs of faculty and students being aware of the biases, limitations, implications of platforms (algorithms, anonymity, privacy).
  4. Digital humanities and pedagogy: some realizations No need to reinvent

    the wheel: • (re)use what you have • Open Educational Resources • resources available “at home” (CCNY, CUNY platforms and infrastructures) Support/self-care of faculty/students is critical
  5. Digital humanities in class “We have not coded for the

    human in education, and so, unless we know how to seek it out past digital platforms, algorithms, and surveillance tools, the human is largely left out of online learning.” Sean Michael Morris https://www.seanmichaelmorris.com/technology-i s-not-pedagogy/
  6. Digital humanities in class the good news: Humanists keep developing

    tools specifically built for humanities research, pedagogy and collaboration.
  7. Overview of Workshops Session #1: Working with texts Session #2:

    Working with multimodal content Session #3: mapping and teaching with urban and spatial data Session #4: digital humanities tools for crisis response, mobilization, and support
  8. Session #1: Working with texts. tools for remote and collaborative

    text annotation, analysis, editing and publishing • Annotation/review tools • Quantitative analysis • Collaborate editing / publishing
  9. Some questions to consider • What is the most important

    skill or set of skills (digital or not) you would want your students to have by the end of the term?
  10. Some questions to consider • What is the most critical

    challenge in remote/online teaching based on the experience of the last term and looking ahead?
  11. Some questions to consider • Have you used digital/online tools

    to support student engagement with texts? If yes, what kind of tools?
  12. Some takeaways • Lightweight, browser-based tools for text analysis and

    editing are easy to use and can be integrated in class content as “modules”
  13. Some takeaways • Review cases and examples of using text

    analysis and tools in class (online, hybrid or on campus)
  14. Some takeaways • Link the use of a tool to

    certain learning outcomes and specify assessment methods