following format Year-Month-Day (2014-01-01). Years must always be rendered as four digit integers. Thus years between 0 CE and 1000 CE should still be rendered as 0001 or 0999. Negative dates should follow the same format, but preceded by a minus sign (ie. -200-01-01). If using Excel, be sure to specify that the column reads as “Text” rather than dates, so that Excel doesn’t change the dates into its own (non-Palladio friendly) format.” “To enter dates before the common era, just use a negative value for the year. Of course, you can also enter month and date if you need them.” Timeline.js • Timestamp, which can be as broad as year or as defined as the date and time; • Duration, for how long something lasted, with options for years down to seconds; • Interval, a date-based range with start and end dates in each instance of the property. Palladio Omeka S