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Unit testing

Unit testing

Introduction to Unit testing tools in Android

Dmytro Khmelenko

March 03, 2017

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  1. Unit testing is a software testing method by which individual

    units of source code, program modules are tested to determine whether they are fit for use 2
  2. JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests •

    Annotations (@Test, @Ignore) • Assertions (assertEquals(), assertThat()) • Test Runners • Categories • … and more 3
  3. 4 @Test public void testLoginParsing(){ CoreUserResponse coreUserResponse = readCoreUserDataFromFile("/user-v1.json"); assertNotNull(coreUserResponse.getCoreUser());

    assertNotNull(coreUserResponse.getAuth()); assertEquals("DAT", coreUserResponse.getCoreUser().getFirstName()); assertEquals("[email protected]", coreUserResponse.getCoreUser().getEmail()); assertFalse(coreUserResponse.getCoreUser().getEmailsAllowed()); }
  4. Its main goal is to improve test code readability and

    make maintenance of tests easier. • Extended Hamcrest matchers (esp. for arrays & iterables) • Extended comparisons • Collecting assertion errors • Testing Guava 5
  5. 6 @Test public void testParseClaim() { Claim claim = loadClaimFromFile(“/claims.json");

    assertThat(claim.productType()).isEqualTo("training-coach"); assertThat(claim.subscription()).isNotNull(); assertThat(claim.subscription().status()).isEqualTo("active"); }
  6. 7 @Test public void performedAtParsedCorrectly(){ List<LeaderboardItem> leaderboardItems = loadLeaderBoardFromFile(); assertThat(leaderboardItems).isNotNull()

    .hasSize(1); SavedTraining firstTraining = getLeaderFirstTraining(leaderboardItems.get(0)); SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", Locale.US); simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); assertThat(firstTraining.getPerformedAt()).isNotNull() .withDateFormat(simpleDateFormat) .isEqualTo("2014-07-21T13:10:00.389Z"); }
  7. A dependency is an object that can be used (a

    service). An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dependent object (a client) that would use it. 8
  8. 9 public class ReleaseCorePaymentManager implements CorePaymentManager { private final PaymentApi

    paymentApi; private final GooglePaymentManager googlePaymentManager; public ReleaseCorePaymentManager(PaymentApi paymentApi, GooglePaymentManager googlePaymentManager) { this.paymentApi = paymentApi; this.googlePaymentManager = googlePaymentManager; } }
  9. Mocking framework that allows the creation of double (mock) objects

    for unit testing. Main purpose is Test-Driven-Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven-Development (BDD) 10
  10. • mock() – creates a mock object of the class.

    Default behavior of the class is do nothing, if no stub. • spy() – creates a real object of the class. Default behavior of the class is the call real method, if no stub. 11
  11. 12 public class TestReleaseCorePaymentManager { private ReleaseCorePaymentManager underTest; private GooglePaymentManager

    googlePaymentManager; private PaymentApi mockPaymentApi; @Before public void setUp(){ mockPaymentApi = mock(PaymentApi.class); googlePaymentManager = mock(GooglePaymentManager.class); underTest = new ReleaseCorePaymentManager(mockPaymentApi, googlePaymentManager); } }
  12. 13 @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) @Config(constants = BuildConfig.class, sdk = BuildConfig.MIN_SDK_VERSION) public class

    TestGooglePaymentManager { private static final String TEST_PUBLIC_KEY = "TestPublicKey"; private GooglePaymentManager underTest; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Context context = ShadowApplication.getInstance().getApplicationContext(); underTest = spy(new GooglePaymentManager(context, TEST_PUBLIC_KEY)); }
  13. 14 @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) @Config(constants = BuildConfig.class, sdk = BuildConfig.MIN_SDK_VERSION) public class

    TestGooglePaymentManager { private static final String TEST_PUBLIC_KEY = "TestPublicKey"; private IabHelper iabHelper; private GooglePaymentManager underTest; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Context context = ShadowApplication.getInstance().getApplicationContext(); underTest = spy(new GooglePaymentManager(context, TEST_PUBLIC_KEY)); iabHelper = mock(IabHelper.class); when(underTest.getIabHelper()).thenReturn(iabHelper); } }
  14. • thenReturn() – stubbing the response of non-void function of

    the mock. • thenThrow() – stubbing throwing exception on the call of the function. • doAnswer() – stubbing void methods of the mock. 15
  15. 16 @Test public void testGetInAppProductsSuccess() { List<Product> products = loadProductsFromFile();

    when(mockPaymentApi.getProducts()).thenReturn(products); Inventory inventory = loadInventoryFromFile(); when(googlePaymentManager.fetchInAppInventory()).thenReturn(inventory); InAppProductContainder inAppProducts = underTest.getInAppProductContainer(); // asserts… }
  16. 17 @Test public void testFetchInAppInventoryFailed() { IabResult exceptionResult = new

    IabResult(IabHelper.ERROR_FAILED, "error"); IabException exception = new IabException(exceptionResult); List<String> justProductIds = new ArrayList<>(); IabHelper helper = underTest.getIabHelper(); when(helper.queryInventory(true, justProductIds)).thenThrow(exception); underTest.fetchInAppInventory(justProductIds); // asserts, verification… }
  17. 18 public class IabHelper { public void startSetup(IabHelperListener listener) {

    // establishing connection with service listener.onIabSetupFinished(new IabResult(RESPONSE_RESULT_OK, "Success")); } } @Test public void testSetupSuccess() { final IabResult result = new IabResult(IabHelper.RESPONSE_RESULT_OK, "Success"); IabHelper helper = underTest.getIabHelper(); doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() { public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { ((IabHelperListener) invocation.getArguments()[0]).onSetupFinished(result); return null; } }).when(helper).startSetup(isA(IabHelperListener.class)); underTest.setup(); // asserts, verification… }
  18. • eq() – checks that the argument equals to object

    according to its equals() method. • isA() – checks that the argument is an instance of T, implying it is non-null. • any() – doesn’t do type checks with the given parameter, it is only there to avoid casting in your code. 19
  19. 20 @Test public void testUserLoginSuccess() { User user = getUserFromFile();

    when(mMockUserManager.login(eq(USERNAME), eq(PASSWORD))) .thenReturn(Observable.just(user)); // calls and verification } eq() checks that the argument equals to object according to its equals() method
  20. isA(T.class) checks that the argument is an instance of T,

    implying it is non-null. 21 @Test public void testGetInAppProductsSuccess() { List<Product> product = getProductsFromFile(); when(mockPaymentApi.getProducts(eq("en"), isA(BrandType.class))).thenReturn(product); // calls and verification }
  21. Any() doesn’t do type checks with the given parameter, it

    is only there to avoid casting in your code. This might however change (type checks could be added) in a future major release. 22 @Test public void testGetInAppProductsSuccess() throws Exception { List<Product> product = getProductsFromFile(); when(mockPaymentApi.getProducts(eq("en"), any(BrandType.class))).thenReturn(product); // calls and verification }
  22. • ArgumentCaptor – captures argument values for further assertions. •

    verify() – checks interactions on the mock object. 23
  23. 24 @Test public void testGetProductsSuccess() { ProductResponse response = loadProductResponseFromFile();

    when(apiService.getProducts(any(String.class)) .thenReturn(Observable.just(response)); ProductsRequest request = new ProductsRequest(BrandType.TRAINING, "en"); underTest.getProducts(request); ArgumentCaptor<String> brandType = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); verify(apiService).getProducts(brandType.capture()); assertThat(brandType.getValue()).isNotNull(); assertThat(brandType.getValue()).isEqualTo("training-coach"); }
  24. 25 @Test public void testPurchaseVerifyCoach() { Observable<Claim> claims = loadClaimsFromFile();

    when(mockPaymentApi.getClaims()).thenReturn(claims); underTest.purchase(BrandType.TRAINING, product); verify(mockPaymentApi, times(1)).getClaims(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockPaymentApi); }
  25. • You will want to test the observables, meaning not

    only the observables you built, but also the resulting composition of the various operators you may want to apply to them. • Given a certain observable (or its mock), you will want to test how the rest of your application behaves while triggered by the subscription. 26
  26. 28 @Test public void testPurchaseCoachExists() throws Exception { SkuDetails product

    = getProductFromFile(); Observable<Claim> claims = getDataFromFile(); when(mockPaymentApi.getClaims()).thenReturn(claims); Receipt receipt = getExpectedReceiptFromFile(); Observable<Receipt> purchaseObs = underTest.purchase(BrandType.TRAINING, product); TestSubscriber<Receipt> subscriber = new TestSubscriber<>(); purchaseObs.subscribe(subscriber); subscriber.assertValue(receipt); subscriber.assertCompleted(); }
  27. 29 @Test public void testPurchaseCoachExists() throws Exception { SkuDetails product

    = getProductFromFile(); Observable<Claim> claims = getDataFromFile(); when(mockPaymentApi.getClaims()).thenReturn(claims); Receipt receipt = getExpectedReceiptFromFile(); Observable<Receipt> purchaseObs = underTest.purchase(BrandType.TRAINING, product); TestSubscriber<Receipt> subscriber = new TestSubscriber<>(); purchaseObs.subscribe(subscriber); subscriber.assertValue(receipt); subscriber.assertCompleted(); Receipt actualReceipt = subscriber.getOnNextEvents().get(0); assertThat(actualReceipt.isPurchased()).isFalse(); }
  28. 30 @Test public void testGetInappProductFails() { PaymentException exception = new

    PaymentException( PaymentErrorCode.BACKEND_PRODUCTS_ARE_EMPTY); when(mockPaymentApi.getProducts("en", BrandType.TRAINING)) .thenReturn(Observable.error(exception); Observable<InAppProductContainer> inAppProducts = underTest.getInAppProductContainer(BrandType.TRAINING); TestSubscriber<InAppProductContainer> subscriber = new TestSubscriber<>(); inAppProducts.subscribe(subscriber); PaymentException actualEx = (PaymentException)subscriber.getOnErrorEvents().get(0); assertEquals(PaymentErrorCode.BACKEND_PRODUCTS_ARE_EMPTY, actualEx.getErrorCode()); subscriber.assertNotCompleted(); }