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State of Declarative UI on Mobile Development

State of Declarative UI on Mobile Development

A bit of history to understand how we got here, and what we have now and what we want in our future

Alessandro Calzavara

December 02, 2023

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  1. Hello 👋 I’m Alessandro Calzavara 📱 Mobile Tech Lead @

    Spreaker.com 🍺 Marca User Group meetup organizer 🥩 BBQ Grill Master
  2. Table of Contents 1. Imperative UI 2. The Rise of

    Declarative UI 3. The Challenges 4. Wrap Up
  3. Foundational blocks Explicit state properties When state changes, the UI

    changes automatically Create views by combining several components
  4. Declarative Approach Less Code to Write 👍 Automatic UI Updates

    👍 Mental Shift Required ⚠ More CPU Demanding 🤷
  5. React Native Cross platform, but Native 👍 Hot swap code

    🚀 Performance 👎🤷 Customization 👎
  6. The Rise of Declarative UI 2013: React 2015: React Native

    2017: Flutter 2019: SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose