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Introduction to Rake

Introduction to Rake

How to write basic rake applications

Eric Hodel

May 25, 2016

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  1. Other “rake”s • make family • Java: ant, maven •

    Clojure: leiningen • Scala: sbt • Python: A-P-P
  2. Namespacing namespace "test" do task "unit" # test:unit task "functional"

    # test:functional end namespace "db" do task "create" # db:create end
  3. Namespacing namespace "test" do task "unit" task "functional" end task

    "test" => [ "test:unit", "test:functional" ]
  4. task "default" => "test" task "test" => [MRUBY_EXE, "tmp"] file

    MRUBY_EXE => MRUBY_DOWNLOAD directory "tmp" file MRUBY_DOWNLOAD => "tmp"
  5. Unordered is OK task "default" => "test" task "test" =>

    MRUBY_EXE task "test" => MRUBY_EXE task "default" => "test" SAME
  6. Running rake $ rake # runs default task $ rake

    test # runs test task $ rake test default # runs both $ rake -t # traces execution $ rake -t test # traces test task $ rake -T # show descriptions
  7. $ rake -t ** Invoke default (first_time) ** Invoke test

    (first_time) ** Invoke tmp/mruby-1.2.0/bin/mruby (first_time) ** Invoke tmp/mruby-1.2.0.tgz (first_time) ** Invoke tmp (first_time) ** Execute tmp mkdir -p tmp ** Execute tmp/mruby-1.2.0.tgz ** Execute tmp/mruby-1.2.0/bin/mruby mkdir -p tmp/mruby-1.2.0/bin/mruby ** Invoke tmp (not_needed) ** Execute test ** Execute default default test MRUBY_EXE MRUBY_ DOWNLOAD tmp
  8. Shell commands cd MRUBY_DIR do end sh "curl", "-o", MRUBY_DOWNLOAD,

    … ruby "my_script.rb" mv "a.txt", "b.txt" rm_rf "tmp"
  9. Execu)on directory $ rake current_directory rake's current directory is ~/tmp/rake-example

    $ cd lib $ rake current_directory (in ~/tmp/rake-example) rake's current directory is ~/tmp/rake-example
  10. FileList markdown_files = FileList["*.md"] # => ["ch1.md, "ch2.md", …] html_files

    = markdown_files.ext "html" # => ["ch1.html, "ch2.html", …]
  11. One Thing per Task file MRUBY_EXE => MRUBY_DOWNLOAD do #

    1. unpack MRUBY_DOWNLOAD # 2. build mruby end
  12. One Thing per Task MRUBY_DIR = "tmp/mruby-1.2.0" directory MRUBY_DIR =>

    MRUBY_DOWNLOAD do # unpack MRUBY_DOWNLOAD end file MRUBY_EXE => MRUBY_DIR do # build mruby end
  13. Document desc "Run tests" task "default" => "test" desc "Run

    tests" task "test" => "mruby" desc "Build mruby" task "mruby" => MRUBY_EXE
  14. Document $ rake -T rake default # Run tests rake

    mruby # Build mruby rake test # Run tests
  15. Re-declare tasks task "test" => "mruby" task "test" do #

    run tests end tests = FileList["test/*.rb"] task "test" => tests
  16. rake/clean require 'rake/clean' # remove temporary files CLEAN << "*.o"

    << "*.class" # rake clean # remove generated files CLOBBER << "*.so" << "*.jar" # rake clobber
  17. rule rule ".html" => ".md" do |t| sh "md2html", t.source,

    t.name end task "default" => html_files # md2html ch1.md ch1.html # md2html ch2.md ch1.html BACKWARD
  18. Task Arguments task "name", [:first, :last] do |t, args| args.with_defaults

    first: "Jamie", last: "Smith" puts "First name is #{args[:first]}" puts "Last name is #{args[:last]}" end
  19. Task Arguments $ rake name First name is Jamie Last

    name is Smith $ rake name[Eric,Hodel] First name is Eric Last name is Hodel
  20. Task Arguments $ rake name[Eric, Hodel] rake aborted! Don't know

    how to build task 'name[Eric,' (see --tasks)