few di ff erent fl avors. ✦ MA/LIS students, interested in privacy and/or information/data governance ✦ MS/Info students: often responsible for securing data or systems ✦ CS/SE, iSci, or Digital Studies undergrads interested in infosec careers ✦ B-school students, often interested in risk management ✦ (None of these may apply to you — and if so, GREAT! Welcome!) ✦ If one of these is you, here is what I have for you! ✦ MA/LIS, MS/Info folks: a little technology, a fair amount of pragmatic big-picture knowledge ✦ CS/SE, iSci folks: Ethics, law, and communication likely won’t land you your fi rst infosec job. If you want to do well in that job and/or move up the ladder, though — they are absolutely, positively ESSENTIAL. ✦ All of you: if you want to use your tech knowledge for good, 510 should give you avenues for that.