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Father and Son: Frank's Decision Script


Father and Son: Frank's Decision Script

Here is the original script for my storyboard Frank's Decision.

Estefany Bosques-Hernandez

December 26, 2023


  1. FADE IN EXT. CITY - DAY OPEN on an establishing

    shot of the office building. CUT TO: INT. INSIDE OFFICE - DAY A busy office setting with cubicles surrounding the center where a stressed out man, Frank (40), is at his cubicle moving from one desk to another. A batch of PAPERWORK is placed at his desk where a PHOTO of a young boy is tucked behind the pile. Just then, Frank’s office PHONE begins to ring. He looks over at it, disturbed before approaching it and pressing a button, sending the call straight to voicemail without giving it a second thought. Frank resumes signing papers when a voice could be heard on the other end of the line. PRINCIPAL (O.S) Hello Frank, this is the Principal from Lake view Elementary, I am calling you again because your son Jack got in a fight today. Frank’s expression shifts to a surprised look as he listens in. PRINCIPAL (O.S) Apparently Jack thought it was a great idea to bite his classmate’s arm, but thankfully a teacher was there to break it up. Just then, a few of his office peers look over to listen in over the walls of Frank’s cubicle. PRINCIPAL (O.S) Anyway, we have Jack sitting here in the office. Abruptly, Frank rushes over towards the PHONE, falling over as he does so.
  2. PRINCIPAL (CONT.) He isn’t cooperating so we hope you could

    stop by and we can talk about this as soon as possible. Please call us back- FRANK (on the phone) Hi- Hello… uh, sorry, I’m at work right now… But I promise I will be right over as soon as I can. Thank you… Frank hands up and lets out an exhale before beginning to rub his face in frustration. FRANK (frustrated) Why… Of all days, Jack! I swear I’ll… Uh- Frank freezes in the moment, cutting himself off when he takes notice of his peers looking at him, whispering and snickering to themselves. Cutting through the wave of whispers, the Boss’ voice calls out to them. BOSS (O.S) GET BACK TO WORK! All of the office workers scramble away from Frank’s cubicle when the Boss walks in with a pile of PAPERWORK in his hands. BOSS (jokingly) I didn’t know you were the office attraction today, Frank! FRANK: Well, I- Frank, distracted by the pile of PAPERWORK his boss brings to him and sets down in front of him. FRANK: What’s this? BOSS The final batch of proposals, Silly! You didn’t think there was more? BOSS (CONT.) Jokes aside, you’re really helping me out big time. Thanks!
  3. Frank then looks over at the clock behind his Boss

    and looks back at him once again. FRANK: I… Frank takes a second to find the right words. FRANK (CONT.) I… really didn’t want to say this but..I don’t think I’ll be able to get this done today. BOSS: Nonsense! A little overtime wouldn’t hurt! Frank looks at his happy boss for a moment, his expression changes as he tries his best to keep it together. But fails. FRANK: I can’t.. The Boss then looks at Frank, confused and a little disappointed at his response. BOSS: Why not? FRANK: I got a call from the school. Jack got in a fight and… I need to go have a talk with the Principal and- Frank’s boss interrupts, a shift in his tone is noticed. BOSS Are you… leaving early again? This is the second time this week.. You promised to make up for the work you missed! FRANK: I know... Frank then runs his own hand along his neck, avoiding eye contact with his boss. FRANK (CONT.) It’s Jack, He’s just having some trouble adjusting to the divorce and...
  4. Frank’s voice trails off and he becomes silent afterwards. FRANK

    (CONT.) I promise it won’t happen again. The Boss looks both ways before leaning in to whisper. BOSS (whispering) I sure hope so, Frank. Or else I might have to look for someone who can stay and get things done. FRANK (whisper) I understand. I really need this job. Frank walks out of frame as his boss is left to look at him with concern. BOSS I know... Frank then pulls out the FRAMED picture of his son sitting behind the pile of paperwork and looks at it. FRANK It’s just… not easy. I’m trying to make time for Jack as well but I’m always too busy for him. BOSS I’m sorry, Frank. Sacrifices have to be made and I’ve given you too many chances. I’m trying to run a business here. You decide if you want to keep this job, then you let me know. The Boss then walks towards the exit of the cubicle. FRANK: …I can take care of it during my break… Frank calls out as his Boss stops right at the entry of his cubicle. The boss then turns around and looks back at Frank once more. BOSS Last chance, Frank. Or you’re fired. Frank ponders to himself in silence as his boss leaves him in his cubicle. FADE OUT