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Father and Son- Script Ver.


Father and Son- Script Ver.

The script I wrote for my Storyboard "Father and Son"

Estefany Bosques-Hernandez

December 22, 2023


  1. FADE IN 1 1 EXT. ROAD - DAY OPEN on

    a CAR stuck in the middle of a busy road. 2 2 INT. INSIDE CAR - DAY An older man, Frank (45), is blankly staring off into traffic ahead as the cars continue to honk outside. Suddenly, his PHONE chimes, grabbing his attention as he reaches over and holds it up, reading the message his Boss sent. Frank then looks up from his phone, looking at the traffic in front of him before glancing back at his phone and setting it down. FRANK (chuckling sarcastically) I’m going to lose my job! Frank then looks up at REAR VIEW MIRROR, where his son Jack (11), sits in the backseat of the car holding a WRINKLED PHOTO against his chest, not even acknowledging his father. FRANK So tell me… What happened at school today? Jack continues to sulk in the backseat and doesn’t look over at Frank as he answers. JACK Nothing.. FRANK Nothing? You got in a fight, Jack. Jack covers his face in anger, close to erupting. FRANK (O.S) A Fight! JACK (shouting) I know! Finally, the ongoing traffic begins to shift. Frank sighs as he keeps his hands on the steering wheel.
  2. FRANK (CONT’D) Jack... I work hard every day for you.

    JACK (annoyed) Ugh! FRANK Hey, I had to leave work early for this! Jack continues to look out the window with his hand on his cheek, still holding a PHOTO against his chest. FRANK (O.S CONT.) All because of a fight! JACK I told Luke to stop… FRANK So you decided to stop him by biting him? Jack, please... Jack then sits up and leans forward,holding up the PHOTO. JACK Dad, he grabbed the photo of- Frank interrupts Jack and cuts him off mid-sentence once the car comes to a stop at a red light. FRANK …A photo? Frank then turns back to look Jack in the eyes. FRANK That’s what it was? Come on, You’re better than this! Jack turns away and sets the photo down next to him. FRANK (O.S) It’s just a photo! How important Can it possibly be? Silence echoes between the two. Frank watches Jack set the PHOTO down as his eyes latch onto it. It is a happy PHOTO of him and Jack at their favorite restaurant. Suddenly, Frank flinches when his PHONE chimes again. Frank then takes out his phone and reads that he missed a call from
  3. his Boss. He clears the notification with a swipe, and

    we are then met with his lock screen which reveals that same happy picture he took with his son at their favorite restaurant. When his phone turns off, we see Frank’s reaction through the reflection, Frank turns the phone away and we see Jack as well, contrasting the happy smile in the photo. Frank then puts his PHONE down and looks up to see that same restaurant, ‘Randy’s’, just up ahead on the road. Frank takes a moment to think; looking back at his phone and up ahead until he smiles and sets his phone down. Pointing his attention over at Jack once more. FRANK You know… Jack is still looking down in silence. FRANK (O.S) My Boss just gave me the day off. Jack finally looks over at his father with his face lighting up at his words. FRANK (O.S) How about lunch at Randy’s like the good old days? JACK Yeah! FADE OUT