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Lemi Orhan Ergin is a software crafter based in Turkey with a passion for raising the bar of his profession and shari...
Developer Advocate at Google Cloud Platform during the day, and Apache Groovy co-founder and committer at night.
Markus is a Developer Advocate at Red Hat and focuses on JBoss Middleware. He is working with Java EE servers from di...
Michael works as a Software Engineer on the Couchbase SDK team. He is responsible for the Java SDK and all other part...
You can videos for many of the talks at
Data Science London is a non-profit organization dedicated to the free, open, dissemination of data science.
To le...
Antoine is a Java Champion and the former spec lead of Jakarta EE CDI. He was part of the Quarkus launch team at Red ...
Oliver Drotbohm is a member of the Spring engineering team at VMware. His work focused on software architecture, DDD,...
John Papa is a well-known Silverlight expert and is a former Sr Technical Evangelist for Microsoft on the Silverlight...