anvar (@ecassamc)

183 Follows

Lemi Orhan Ergin


Lemi Orhan Ergin is a software crafter based in Turkey with a passion for raising the bar of his profession and shari...

139 followers 87 decks

Guillaume Laforge


Developer Advocate at Google Cloud Platform during the day, and Apache Groovy co-founder and committer at night.

6 followers 136 decks

Markus Eisele


Markus is a Developer Advocate at Red Hat and focuses on JBoss Middleware. He is working with Java EE servers from di...

1 follower 15 decks

Michael Nitschinger


Michael works as a Software Engineer on the Couchbase SDK team. He is responsible for the Java SDK and all other part...

1 follower 23 decks

Data Science London


Data Science London is a non-profit organization dedicated to the free, open, dissemination of data science.

To le...

1 follower 89 decks

Antoine Sabot-Durand


Antoine is a Java Champion and the former spec lead of Jakarta EE CDI. He was part of the Quarkus launch team at Red ...

1 follower 6 decks

Oliver Drotbohm


Oliver Drotbohm is a member of the Spring engineering team at VMware. His work focused on software architecture, DDD,...

35 followers 85 decks

John Papa


John Papa is a well-known Silverlight expert and is a former Sr Technical Evangelist for Microsoft on the Silverlight...

1 follower 13 decks