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Setting priorities for the CCIO Leaders Network...

eHealth Insider
August 05, 2013

Setting priorities for the CCIO Leaders Network. Professor Jonathan Kay, Clinical informatics director, NHS England

eHealth Insider

August 05, 2013

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  1. CCIO Leaders Network CCIO Summer School 4-5 July Setting Priorities

    for the CCIO Leaders Network Jon Hoeksma, Editor, EHI Professor Jonathan Kay, Clinical Informatics Directors, NHS England
  2. What are your objectives as a CCIO? Networking with other

    CCIOs, meet like minded people – service transformation, realising you need support for clinical leadership, idea sharing, site visit, support around engaging with other organisations, CCIO and CNIO? Realising core skills required – need to map skills, realising there are different needs.
  3. How can the network help you? Site visit, survey high

    level user group, sub group of CCG CCIOs, agony aunt for CCIOs – share googlegroup/forum, setting of values, role of professional bodies.
  4. How can NHS England (etc) help? NHS England to issue

    directives that cut through urban myths, to feedback to NHS England the practical problems commissioners face, information sharing between primary and secondary care – worked case examples, to be active forum bloggers – let everyone know what they are doing, don’t do too much, explicit recognition of value, to support CCIO LN usability/ functionality survey of EPRs
  5. How can EHI help? Collaborative forums/googlegroups etc, events, grow the

    network, bringing in future CCIOs and/or all clinical information leaders/champions, fellowships – education support mentorship programme
  6. What should we do at next year's Summer School? Stay

    at oxford? – eating/staying all in one venue. Collegiate system works, site visit –multiple ones, whole health economy not just acute focused. Include social care? CCG focus/emphasis – dedicated stream, get health education england involved – get next generation, set standards