(For RubyKaigi 2018) https://rubykaigi.org/2018/presentations/tom_enebo.html#jun02
JRuby 9.2 has been released. 9.2 supports Ruby 2.5 compatibility and it also runs Rails 5.x well. This talk will discuss some of the more interesting apects of JRuby 9.2:
Performance updates
Graal integration
IR instr refactoring
Object shaping
Full encoding support ( @@かいぎ ||= $🐻🌻.send :┬─┬ノº_ºノ' )
Improved Windows support
It will also give an update on the state of running Rails 5.x on JRuby. This talk will go over updates we have made to ActiveRecord-JDBC and show a real world use-case of getting Discourse running. Get up to date on the state of JRuby!