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The Past, Present and Future of Technical Debt

Eoin Woods
May 28, 2018

The Past, Present and Future of Technical Debt

Eoin Woods

May 28, 2018


  1. The Past, Present and Future of Technical Debt Learning from

    the past to prepare for the future Technical Debt 2018 Gothenburg, May 2018 Eoin Woods Endava @eoinwoodz
  2. Background Eoin Woods • Endava’s CTO, based in London •

    10 years in product dev - Bull, Sybase, InterTrust • 10 years in capital markets applications - UBS and BGI • Software engineer, then architect, now CTO • Author, editor, speaker, community guy I’ve had a lot of technical debt
  3. Defining Technical Debt • “Not quite right code which we

    postpone making it right” – Ward Cunningham • “The obligation that a software organization incurs when it chooses a design or construction approach that's expedient in the short term but that increases complexity and is more costly in the long term” – Steve McConnell • “Compromises made in the implementation of a piece of software that are likely to limit how it can be used or changed later” – Eoin Woods
  4. Why Do We Care? • Reduces speed of delivery •

    Reduces options for change • Reduces morale in the team • Reduces reliability • Increases cost of change • Increases cost of operation REDUCES OUR RETURN ON INVESTMENT

  6. 5 Ages of Software Systems Intelligent Connected (2020s) Internet is

    the System (2010s) Internet Connected (2000s) Distributed Monoliths (1990s) Monolithic (1980s)
  7. Monolithic Technical Debt • Procedure tangles • GOTO spaghetti •

    Data incoherence Advances • Structured Programming • Early metrics • Early analysis tools Structuring of computer programs
  8. Distributed Monoliths Technical Debt • Tiering confusion • all in

    the UI, all in the DB, … • Spaghetti database • Monster data models Advances • Emergence of the metaphor • Refactoring • Commercial tools The rise of client/server and architectural style
  9. Internet Connected Technical Debt • Unsuitable platforms • Unsustainable operation

    • One-man deployment “pipeline” • Quality property hacks Advances • Software architecture • Patterns and platforms for large-scale systems • Open source tools Mass market scaling and explosion in software architecture
  10. Internet as the System Technical Debt • External service dependencies

    • Microservice choreography • Data replication & duplication Advances • API descriptions • Runtime tracing & visualisation • Containers & platforms Everything is a service, architecture dynamic & packaged
  11. New Sources of Technical Debt • Architecture hidden in the

    network (e.g. microservices) • Digital channels => constant functional change • Shift to unstructured and replicated data • Rapidity and self-service of cloud platforms • New types of code (“X as Code”) • Rapid tech stack evolution (e.g. framework churn)
  12. Current Technical Debt in Practice • Ubiquitous term • General

    focus on code, sometimes tests • Data, platform, operational debt often not recognised • Some teams actively manage the debt • Many just talk about it • “Everyone” has a mountain of it • No widely adopted reasoning frameworks • Looming “new debt” problems don’t get much attention
  13. Intelligent Connected Technical Debt • Unknown connected devices • Data

    needed for “intelligence” • ML models Advances (Needed) • Better IoT security & mgmt.? • More on data & algorithms? • Self-explaining AI? Data, algorithms, “intelligence”, emergent architecture
  14. Conclusions • Our past can point to the future •

    Monolithic complexity led to structure and metrics • Distributed Monoliths brought a metaphor & refactoring • Internet Connected systems needed architecture & triggered open source tooling • Each era has tried to manage the debt it finds itself with … often with limited impact
  15. Conclusions • Internet as the System brings its own problems

    too: • External dependencies (services) • Microservice dependencies • Data replication & duplication • New types of code and platform • Response is largely project-by-project • containers? runtime tracing? api doc techniques? ... • Technical Debt practice often lags the need by years!
  16. Conclusions • What about Intelligent Connected systems? - We’re not

    great at ”data debt” but these systems depend on it - AI debt still not understood but will become a standard feature - Devices bring lots of debt but we struggle with today’s challenge • We’ve got some work to do … - We can see what is coming - This time could research and practice predict the debt and think about managing it … before we have a lot of it?
  17. Picture Credits • Erik Pitti – S360, slide 11 (Flickr)

    • Tech Republic – S370, slide 11 • Tim Dorr – server rack, slide 12 (Flickr) • JasonTheGreat – Sun server room, slide 13 (Flickr) • Intel Free Press – Intel server room, slide 14, 15, 16 (Flickr) • Geralt – IoT background, slide 18, 19