Presented at DevoxxFR 2016. As software is eating the world, developers do possess an immense power. Sharing here some reflections on our choice, government&economic models, then reviewing/recommending recent reads. Pixel, Germinal / Zola, Matrix, Bruce Almighty, Civilization, Zebda, I am, Addams Family, Devoxx4Kids, I Malala, Three Cups of Tea, Apostrophe, Comte-Sponville, Desproges, Democracy against Experts, Spartacus, Haskell, Incal, Azimov, Developer Economics, The Road, Mad Max, 1984, 2084, V for Vendetta, Scrum, Voyageur Imprudent, Starwars, Zero Marginal Cost Society, Piketty, Montaigne, Rousseau, Kant, Brave New World, Iron Maiden, The Death of Death, Dr Who, Terminator, Rousseau, Social Contract, Avatar, Rifkin, Dune, Frank Herbert.