the way feature-x is implemented. It’s just not that intuitive. From a user’s perspective, we should probably implement it like… ! (insert well-founded design decision)
making a cup of tea, you moved all the furniture around. Not only that, but you redecorated, changed the carpet, and removed all of our belongings.” View from a developer: “Design in Open Source”!
message the project maintainers or project lead. Introduce yourself and your skill set. Ask if there are areas where you can help. Follow along with the community (on IRC, mailing lists, issue lists, forums, etc).
small, actionable things. Don’t just point out problems, pick out important issues and offer suggestions for fixing the problem. Your contributions will be easier to put in place if the problem, solution, and benefit is clear and easy to enact.
clearly. Document your findings and suggestions. Focus on effective communication, not overwhelming communication. Screenshots with descriptions or videos with explanations can help convey the message.
out your solution to the project maintainers or contributor community. You can leave an issue, email the maintainers directly, or send a message to the community mailing list. You can also blog about it and point people at your post.
follow up with the core team or project leaders. Ask if your solution is hard to implement or isn’t a priority. Remember: They may have other priorities or interests. Your solution might not fit their roadmap.
for code - a directory or open source projects - compares software and suggests alternatives - a network of open source projects - matches first time contributors with projects
known for being friendly to beginners in open source OwnCloud - has specific guidelines for design, usability, ux https:// Drupal - big project that carries out usability testing and has resources around user experience community-initiatives/drupal-core/usability Known - we’ve been making our user research materials open to help bring about more user testing and usability
take place on IRC. Check out Colloquy or IRCCloud as apps to get started. ! - Colloquy - IRCCloud ! Tools to get started
This is often where you can download files, find resources, and initiate pull requests. ! Create an account and get familiar with the website and apps. ! Tools to get started
“contribute” code to open source projects. ! ! ! ! initiate your first pull request - learn about pull requests ! Tools to get started
the community on IRC ! - for open source information ! - check out our repositories on Github ! [email protected] - email Ben and I with your interests !!forum/known-dev - join our community mailing list !
write documentation, faqs, and guides ! usability - help us test user flows, new features, and devices ! language - help us translate the platform into other languages ! HTML & CSS - contribute a new theme or clean up existing styles ! UI - help us compile a pattern library for common interface elements ! accessibility - help us test with assistive devices and pinpoint issues
Usability in Free Software ! - Resources for designers working on open source projects ! - Design in Open Source ! - Contemplating Open Source UX ! - Designing Open Source