Three case studies focusing on images and how to improve performance and download size. Provides examples of both client-side and server-side solutions.
the maximum of users 3 years in the future. At the moment we have a mobile only responsive website. But eventually it will take over the desktop site. @tmaslen
back Safari 4+ Chrome 1+ (I think) iPhone and iPad iOS1+ Android phone and tablets 2.1+ Blackberry OS6+ Windows 7.5+ new Mango version Mobile Firefox all the versions we tested Opera Mobile all the versions we tested HTML4 browsers IE8- Blackberry OS5- Nokia S60 v6- Nokia S40 all versions All other Symbian variants Windows 7 phone pre-Mango ! …and many more that are too numerous to mention.
selector. If the browser has native CSS selecting then it removes the need for a DOM selector. QuerySelector has been available in Firefox since 3.5 at least and has been working in webkit for ages. It also works in IE9. document.querySelector
on making considerable use of it. Imagine that if you first came to the mobile site we downloaded all the stories straight away and stored them in localStorage. They’d then be available to use while you are going through an areas of sketchy bandwidth. window.localStorage
Every browser made in the last 6 years (except IE8) supports DOM level 2 events. If the browser supports this then we know it has better standards support than IE8. window.addEventListener
375, 410, 445, 485, 520, 555, 590, 625, 660, 695, 736] “We made an arbitary decision to add a breakpoint every 30px from 96px up to 736px… informed more by the image sizes that fit into the old grid system available in BBC’s GEL layout guide.”
is the best fit for us, as element widths do not correlate to viewport widths. We use images in many different contexts, stretched across columns, left aligned, etc, so we have to use element width.” Coverage of the (2012 U.S.) election… brought 16.4 million unique browsers across the BBC website and mobile services on November 7.
sizes by not trying to optimize one code base for everything and leveraging server-side solutions rather than force templating logic onto the front-end." @dmolsen
styles are the same on all browsers but some get just a little tweak here and there based on their browser's UA and supported properties. The primary images that we tweak are the carousel images. They're by far our biggest resource hog. By looking for mobile UAs we serve much smaller width/height imagery." @dmolsen
<div class="flex-caption"> <h3>The Title of the Slide</h3> <p>The reason why you should totally click on the slide.</p> <p><a href=“/the-link/" class="more">Read More</a></p> </div> </li>
web site with you - in a word, it's awful. Quite frankly, I am unable to find anything about the site that is positive. It is not clear why the change was made but the individual that came up with the idea should be fired along with the individual(s) that approved the change. Contrary to the old site - I make every effort to avoid using the new site.”
width/height is set to “auto” in CSS, reverts to 1x1
of the image" data-image="/path/to/the/image.jpg" data-width="112" data-height="112"> ! <noscript> <img class="img-noscript" src="/path/to/the/image.jpg" width="112" height="112" alt="Description of the image" title="Description of the image"> </noscript>