curiosity what exact distance I have found from such a place to such a place; I answer, so many miles, so many cents. I find they universally and at once form a perfect idea of the relation of the cent to the miles as a unit.”
Potential difference ∼ water pressure / height Current – flow of electrical charge (Amps) ∼ water flow Resistance – how much a medium opposes current ∼ friction Current (I) = Voltage (V) / Resistance (r) Power (Watts) = Current (amps) × Voltage (Volts)
is “on”, the source flows to the output. Otherwise, the output is “off”. A transistor is a device used to amplify or switch electronic signals (like a faucet).
solid piece of semiconductor material. • A semiconductor is a material that has electrical conductivity that varies dynamically between that of a conductor (on) or an insulator (off). • Silicon is a semiconductor.