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TMPA-2015: Implementing the MetaVCG Approach in the C-light System

December 01, 2015

TMPA-2015: Implementing the MetaVCG Approach in the C-light System

Alexei Promsky, Dmitry Kondtratyev, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk

12 - 14 November 2015
Tools and Methods of Program Analysis in St. Petersburg


December 01, 2015

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  1. Implementing the MetaVCG approach in the C-light system Dmitry Kondratyev

    Alexei Promsky A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
  2. Team and Aims A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Siberian

    Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia. Theoretical Programming Lab.: Prof. Valery Nepomnyaschy, Prof. Nikolay Shilov, Igor Anureev, Alexey Promsky, Ilya Maryasov, Dmitry Kondratyev, ... Studies of theoretical foundations of informatics which can be applied in practical tasks such as modeling of sequential and parallel processes; semantics and specication; program verication The C program verication is one of our high-priority goals.
  3. Why the C language? Still popular (according to the latest

    TIOBE index) Basis for the kindred languages: (1), (3) and (4). Can we work with them if we are unable to verify the C programs? Esp. when not all problems of the C program verication are solved. The interest in the C program verication is conrmed by researchers: VERISOFT, WHY (Frama-C), VCC
  4. C-light and C-kernel Correct approaches/algorithms at every step. What do

    the founders say? Restrictions that contribute to provability are what make a programming language good. C.A.R. Hoare. The C-light language covers a major part of the C99 (C0  completely, Misra C  almost); sets the evaluation order; avoids some low-level features. The C-kernel language possesses light and sound axiomatic semantics. Easy addition of new/remaining constructions? This is exactly what our research serves for!
  5. The C-light Verication System: overview /*@ requires \nothing; assigns e;

    ensures \result == \old(e) && e == \old(e) + 1; */ e++ /*@ requires \nothing; assigns e; ensures \result == \old(e) && e == \old(e) + 1; */ (q = &e, y = *q, *q = *q + 1, y) MD1 = upd(MD0 , MeM(q), MeM(e)) ⋀ MD2 = upd(MD1 , MeM(y), MD1 (MeM(q))) ⋀ MD = upd(MD2 , MD2 (MeM(q), BinOpSem(+, MD2 (MeM(q)), 1)) ⋀ Val = MD(MeM(y)) ⇒ Val = \old(MD(MeM(e)) ⋀ MD(MeM(e)) = \old(MD(MeM(e))) + 1 Annotated C-light program passed to translator, translates Annotated C-kernel program passed to VCG, generates Verification condition passed to Simplify or Z3, validates
  6. The C-light Verication System: things done so far Verication of

    some challenges from the well-known collections: aliasing, abrupt termination, side-eects, function pointers. Specications and verication of a subset of the Standard C Library /*@ requires \valid_range(s1, 0, strlen(s2)) && valid_string(s2); assigns s1[0..strlen(s2)]; ensures strcmp(s1, s2) == 0 && \result == s1; ensures \base_addr(\result) == \base_addr(s1); */ char *strcpy(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2) Experiments on self-applicability. Our translator from C-light into C-kernel is implemented using Clang (C++ API), however, a good part of its functionality is expressible in C-light.
  7. The C-light Verication System: things done so far /*@ requires

    1 <= id <= UINT_MAX; assigns id; behavior somewhere_in_the_middle: assumes 1 <= \old(id) < UINT_MAX; ensures id == \old(id) + 1 && strcmp(\result, strcat("BLOCK\0", ltoa(\old(id)))) == 0; behavior too_many_blocks: assumes \old(id) == UINT_MAX; ensures \result == NULL; complete behaviors somewhere_in_the_middle, too_many_blocks; disjoint behaviors somewhere_in_the_middle, too_many_blocks; */ char* getBlockID()
  8. Current task: addition of new axiomatic rules In practice, the

    axiomatic semantics of a language takes form of Verication Condition Generator (VCG), thus reducing the question of program correctness to the truth of lemmas (verication conditions  VCs) in some applied theory. We would like to add easily and correctly new axioms and rules to our Hoare systems and, consequently, to VCG. The reasons: The complete C language or transition to C++. No doubts here. The context specic rules or even specialized VCGs. Not so obvious. Some examples are required.
  9. Why new axiomatic rules: example 1 During the Library verication

    the following pattern was found swap(x, y, buf ) ≡ memcpy(buf, x, m); memcpy(x, y, m); memcpy(y, buf, m); The general rule for the function call looks like {P } f (x) {Q } P ⇒ (P α ∧ Q γ ⇒ Qγβ) {P} f (e); {Q} , The substitutions α, β model the argument passing, whereas γ renames the variables and, thus, is equivalent to quantication. In the meantime, we can enrich the Hoare system by the following axiom: {x = x 0 ∧ y = y 0 } swap(x, y, buf ) {x = y 0 ∧ y = x 0 }
  10. Why new axiomatic rules: example 2 Given, M is a

    two-dimensional matrix and e(k, i) is an expression depending on matrix indices k and i, consider the following triple: {Q(M ← rep(M, mat(e 1 , e 2 , e 3 , e 4 ), e(s, t)))} for(k = e 1 ; k <= e 2 ; k++) for(i = e 3 ; i <= e 4 ; i++) M[k][i] = e(k, i); {Q} where matrix rep(M, mat(e 1 , e 2 , e 3 , e 4 ), e(s, t))) results from replacement of all elements corresponding to sub-matrix mat(e 1 , e 2 , e 3 , e 4 ) by expression e. All these logical functions (rep, mat, etc) are dened by a set of axioms. For example rep(rep(M, S 1 , e(s, t)), S 2 , e(s, t)) = rep(M, S 1 ∪ S 2 , e(s, t))
  11. Why new axiomatic rules: example 3 From those methods of

    loop invariant elimination we can step to 1. program schemata. For example, Dijkstra's linear search scheme {P} d = d 0 ; while(prop(d)) d = f (d) {Q} where d, d 0 , prop, f are uninterpreted objects and Q : ¬prop(dk) ∧ ∀i(0 ≤ i ≤ k ⇒ prop(di )) ∧ d = dk and di = f (di−1 ) 2. and even further to program transformations {P} A {P} {P} B {Q} £ {P} A; B {Q} inv ≡ P {P} if(e) A {P} £ {P} {inv}while(e) A {P}
  12. MetaVCG The examples above are not articial. The corresponding studies

    are being conducted in our Lab: Ilya Maryasov develops the Mixed-semantics approach; Prof. Valery Nepomnyaschy develops the approach of Finite iterations over data structures; Prof. Nikolay Shilov tries to apply the program schemata to verication of dynamic programming algorithms. Two possible ways: One huge VCG replenished by rules every time we apply to a new domain  hardly a good idea. A collection of specialized VCGs  much better. Finally, the error-prone process of manual implementation of VCG can compromise the verication. A possible solution  the MetaVCG approach.
  13. MetaVCG: origins Can the correctness of a VCG be guaranteed

    not only by testing/verication but also by its construction? Basing on classical results by E.W. Dijkstra, R.L. London, D.C. Luckham etc., M. Moriconi and R. Schwartz proposed in 1981 a method for mechanically constructing VCGs from a useful class of Hoare logics. Any VCG constructed by the method is shown to be sound and deduction-complete w.r.t the associated Hoare logic.
  14. MetaVCG: scheme Annotated C program Analysis and transformation Program in

    the internal form MetaVCG Recursively defined VCG Hoare system Verification conditions Axioms Proof environment
  15. MetaVCG: preliminaries Metavariables P, Q, R denoting partially interpreted rst-order

    formulas (P, P ∧ x = 5, or x = 5). For a Hoare triple of the form {P(P 1 , ..., Pm)} S {Q(Q 1 , ..., Qn)} where predicate symbols Pi and Qj are logically free in P and Q, respectively, we have Pi ⇐ Qj , for i ∈ {1, ..., m} and j ∈ {1, ..., n} Given H + ⇐ T, H will be called the head of the dependency chain and T the tail. For a rule of the form {P 1 } S 1 {Q 1 }, ..., {Pn} Sn {Qn}, Γ {P} S {Q} we have S Si , for i ∈ {l, ..., n} ( +).
  16. MetaVCG: preliminaries Function FreePreds denotes the set of logically free

    predicate symbols in a formula, a Hoare triple or a rule. Function FragVars denotes the set of "fragment variables" in the language fragment S of a Hoare triple {P} S {Q}. FragVars(if B then S 1 else S 2 fi) = {B, S 1 , S 2 } We use FreePreds and FragVars to distinguish those logically free variables that are bound in the program fragment when a rule is applied from those that must be bound by wp-calculus.
  17. MetaVCG: normal form rule A normal form rule is any

    instance N of {P 1 } S 1 {Q 1 } , ..., {Pn} Sn {Qn}, Γ {P} S {Q} that satises the following constraints: 1. P 1 ,..., Pn and Q are predicate symbols free in N. 2. Γ is a sentence in the underlying theory such that FreePreds(Γ) ⊆ FreePreds(N) ∪ FragVars(S). 3. The fragment variables of each Si must be bound in S. So ∪ 1≤i≤nFragVars(Si ) ⊆ FragVars(S).
  18. MetaVCG: normal form rule 4. Dependency ordering. The Hoare-triple premises

    of N must satisfy two dependency constraints. a. Pi + ⇐ Pj ⊃ i < j b. T + ⇐ U ∧ ¬(∃R)U + ⇐ R ⊃ U ≡ Q ∨ U bound in N 5. Monotonicity. Let P[P ← false, P ∈ s] denote P with the proper substitution of false for each predicate P in the set s. Then P[P 1 , ..., Pn, Q ← true] ∨ ∀s ⊆ {P 1 , ..., Pn, Q} ¬P[P ← false, P ∈ s] This constraint must hold for Γ and for each Qi .
  19. MetaVCG: transforming proof rules into VCG Given any rule of

    the form {P 1 } S 1 {Q 1 }, ..., {Pn} Sn {Qn}, Γ {P} S {Q} wdp can be dened as follows: wdp(S, Q) = P[P 1 ← wdp(S 1 , Q 1 ), ..., Pn ← wdp(Sn, Qn)]∧ (∀v)Γ[P 1 ← wdp(S 1 , Q 1 ), ..., Pn ← wdp(Sn, Qn)] where [P 1 ← t 1 , ..., Pn ← tn] denotes n proper substitutions carried out sequentially in a left-to-right order, and v is the set of all free logical variables in Γ.
  20. MetaVCG: transforming proof rules into VCG Taking as examples the

    classical axiom for assignment (without side eects) {P[x ← e]} x:=e {P} and the rule of inference for statement composition {P 1 } S 1 {R} {R} S 2 {Q} {P} S 1 ;S 2 {Q} we obtain the following predicate transformers: wdp(x:=e, P) = P[x ← e] wdp(S 1 ;S 2 , Q) = P[P ← wdp(S 1 , R), R ← wdp(S 2 , Q)] = wdp(S 1 , wdp(S 2 , Q))
  21. MetaVCG: general form rule The proof rules look rather unusual:

    {P 1 } S 1 {Q}, {P 2 } S 2 {Q} {B ⊃ P 1 ∧ ¬B ⊃ P 2 } if B then S 1 else S 2 fi {Q} {P 1 } S {P}, P ∧ ¬B ⊃ Q, P ∧ B ⊃ P 1 {P} while B inv P do S od {Q} Moreover, the order on the premises is required, thus, narrowing the class of applicable Hoare systems. By the way, the axiomatic semantics of the C-kernel language does not satisfy these requirements. Perhaps, we could weaken the constraints somehow?
  22. MetaVCG: general form rule A general form rule is any

    instance G of I 1 , ..., In, Γ {P} S {Q} that satises normal form constraints 1-3 and 4b, where: 1. Each premise I is in one of the following forms a. {R} S {Q} b. {F} S {Q} c. {R ∧ F} S {Q} where, in all three cases, R is a metavariable evaluating to a single predicate symbol free in G, F is a metavariable evaluating to a formula not containing any predicate symbols free in G, and Q is a metavariable.
  23. MetaVCG: general form rule 2. The relation + ⇐ is

    irreexive with respect to I 1 , ..., In. 3. Let r be the set of predicate symbols free in the preconditions of I 1 , ..., In. Then, the following constraint on P must hold: P[P ← true, P ∈ r ∪ {Q}]∧ ∀s ⊆ r ∪ {Q}¬P[P ← false, P ∈ s] This constraint must hold for Γ and for each Qi . {P ∧ B} S {P}, P ∧ ¬B ⊃ Q {P} while B inv P do S od {Q} {P ∧ B} S1 {Q}, {P ∧ ¬B} S2 {Q} {P} if B then S1 else S2 fi {Q}
  24. MetaVCG: transformation to normal form First, sort the rule according

    to the three classes of allowable premises, yielding a schema of the form {F 1 } S 1 {Q 1 }, ..., {Fj } Sj {Qj }, {Bj+1 } Sj+1 {Qj+1 }, ..., {Bk} Sk {Qk}, {Bk+1 ∧ Fk+1 } Sk+1 {Qk+1 }, ..., {Bn ∧ Fn} Sn {Qn}, Γ {P} S {Q} We now dene two functions: 1. Duplicates(i) = {m : |Bm| = |Bi |, j + 1 ≤ m ≤ n}, for j + 1 ≤ i ≤ n where, for a metavariable B, |B| denotes the partially interpreted rst-order formula bound to B, and 2. MkFormula(i) = Pi , for j + 1 ≤ i ≤ k |F| ⊃ Pi , for k + 1 ≤ i ≤ n
  25. MetaVCG: transformation to normal form Now rewrite the sorted schema

    above as {P 1 } S 1 {Q 1 }, ..., {Pn} Sn {Qn}, Γ ∧ (|F 1 | ⊃ P 1 ) ∧ ... ∧ (|Fj | ⊃ Pj ) {P} S {Q} with the subsequent overall proper substitution [|Bi | ← k∈Duplicates(i) MkFormula(k)], for j + 1 ≤ i ≤ n The last step is to reorder the premises of this rule to satisfy normal form constraint 4a.
  26. MetaVCG: correctness It may be demonstrated that a VCG constructed

    by this method is sound and deduction-complete with respect to a general form axiomatic denition G: Theorem: Let G be any general form axiom system G augmented by the rule of consequence and the axiom {false} S {Q} , and let τ denote the transformation from G to the normal form, and suppose that T is a complete (perhaps noneective) proof system for the underlying theory. Then G {P} S {Q} i T P ⊃ wdpτ(G) (S, Q) . Note: It has nothing to do with soundness and completeness of the general form axiom system w.r.t. the operational denition of the language.
  27. MetaVCG: practice Hoare logics for C-kernel satises the general form

    constraints (thanks to the two-level approach). The prototype MetaVCG is implemented in C-light and displays the following features: ineective in some sense MetaVCG(H, AP) = VCG H (AP), but more appropriate for verication; bidirectional; partially veried.
  28. MetaVCG: the pattern language It would be great to provide

    axioms and proof rules in classical graphical notation: {Q(MD) ← upd(MD, loc(val(e, MeM..STD)), cast(e ))} e = e ; {Q} {P} S {I} (I ∧ cast(val(e, MeM..STD), type(e, MeM, Γ), int) = 0) ⇒ Q (I ∧ cast(val(e, MeM..STD), type(e, MeM, Γ), int) = 0) ⇒ P while(e) S but signicant eorts will be required. At the moment, a simple textual representation has been developed. The idea is that rules are patterns that must be matched against annotated programs. The syntax of C-light is accompanied by rst-order logic, whereas some syntactic sugar denotes regexps.
  29. MetaVCG: the pattern language {(any_predicate(Q)) (MD <- upd(MD, loc(val(e, MeM..STD)),

    cast(val(e', MeM..STD), type(e', MeM, TP), type(e, MeM, TP)))) } e = simple_expression(e'); {any_predicate(Q)} {P} S {I}, (I /\ cast(val(e, MeM..STD), type(e, MeM, TP), int) = 0) => Q, (I /\ cast(val(e, MeM..STD), type(e, MeM, TP), int) != 0) => P |- {any_predicate(INV)} while(simple_expression(e)) any_code(S) {any_predicate(Q)}
  30. MetaVCG: implementation MetaVCG(N, tree) { 1: transform the Clang AST

    tree into struct program_node; 2: transform N into collection of struct pattern_node; 3: if (backward_strategy) goto 4 else goto 7; 4: // wp-calculus 5: take program_node, nd an appropriate pattern_node and apply the corresponding wdp; 6: exit; 7: // sp-calculus ... }
  31. MetaVCG: implementation struct pattern_node { int is_omitted; int has_category; char*

    category; int has_identifier; char identifier[64]; int has_type; char* type; int has_value; char* value; int is_matched; int table_length; char match_identifiers[2][1000][64]; int children_count; struct pattern_node* children[1000]; };
  32. MetaVCG: verication /*@ requires \valid(pattern) && \valid(code); assigns pattern->table_length; assigns

    pattern->match_identifiers[0..1] [\old(pattern->table_length)] [0..\max(strlen(pattern_identifier), 63)]; ensures strncmp(pattern->match_identifiers[0][pattern->table_length], pattern->identifier, 63); ensures strncmp(pattern->match_identifiers[1][pattern->table_length], pattern->identifier, 63); ensures pattern->table_length = \old(pattern->table_length) + 1; */ void add_identifier(struct pattern_node* pattern, struct program_node* code) { strncpy(pattern->match_identifiers[0][pattern->table_length], pattern->identifier, 63); strncpy(pattern->match_identifiers[1][pattern->table_length], code->identifier, 63); pattern->table_length++; }
  33. Conclusion Results the axiomatic semantics of C-kernel can be automatically

    transformed into recursively dened VCG; MetaVCG was implemented using mixture of C and C++; apart from theoretical correctness we were able to partially verify our prototype tool. Plans the correctness theorem should be checked for the strongest postcondition approach; reducing the C++ part of implementation.