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A Day in the Life of a UX Designer - Emily Holm...

April 13, 2016

A Day in the Life of a UX Designer - Emily Holmes, Director of UX for R&D, Hobsons, Inc.

This month, we explored the role of a UX Designer!

Some UX designers do a little bit of everything (concepting, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing) on a project, while others might specialize or lean more toward one area of the field.

Our guest speaker for this session is Emily Holmes, the Director of UX for R&D at Hobsons, Inc. Emily talked about her role as a UX Designer on an innovation team and walked us through a case study of a project she worked on using Lean UX methodology. This is her slide deck for her presentation. You can find a recap of the event on exploreUX.org or on the event’s meetup page.

About the A Day in the Life Series
Each month, we'll explore a different role in the UX field. This gives an opportunity for you to learn about what people do in that particular role, ask them questions, and participate in activity to “test drive” what it’s like to be in this role.

This event series is brought to you by exploreUX and Triangle UXPA. For more about this event or exploreUX in general, check out the exploreUX Raleigh Edition meetup page or exploreUX.org.


April 13, 2016

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  2. We want to do more 93% 44% of  middle  school

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     we  already  know Look  to  see  what’s  out  there
  7. What we learned What  students  like: What  schools  want: Project-­‐based

     learning Consistent,  standards-­‐ based  curriculum Video  content,  especially   when  it  shows  people   who  are  similar  to  them Identifying  their  own   strengths Progress  bars  and  bright   colors Ability  to  assess  student   progress Engaging  content  for   students
  8. Testing assumptions Students  will  pay  for  a  solution Parents  will

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  9. Story maps More  info:  Jeff  Patton  -­‐ “The  New  User

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