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API Design

API Design

Internal team share

Shih-Yung Lee

March 11, 2012

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  1. Good API •Easy to learn •Easy to use, even without

    documentation •Hard to misuse •Easy to read and maintain code that uses it •Sufficiently powerful to satisfy requirements •Easy to extend •Appropriate to audience
  2. How about Exception Client Intercepts HTTP Code... twitter ?suppress_response_codes=true code:

    200 {"response_code":"401", "message"...} http://dev.twitter.com/pages/every_developer
  3. RESTeasy To test RESTful APIs in node.js and Javascript Reduce

    the number of lines of test code required to fully cover all primary and edge use cases of a given API over HTTP http://blog.nodejitsu.com/rest-easy-test-any-api-in- nodejs
  4. Resources How To Design A Good API and Why it

    Matters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAb7hSCtvGw http://blog.apigee.com/detail /video_restful_api_design_pragmatic_not_dogmatic/ http://vimeo.com/23861183 http://mobile.baselinemag.com/c/a/Business- Intelligence/25-Fast-Facts-About-Twitter-in-the- Workplace-212013/