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Automated Tests for AngularJS

Automated Tests for AngularJS

A short introduction into TDD in AngularJS applications, showing how to run unit and e2e tests (Inaka Lighting Talks)

Flávio Granero

May 15, 2015

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  1. • Open Source JavaScript Framework! • Single Page Applications (SPA)!

    • Extends HTML with Directives! • Two-way data binding! • Concepts: Controllers, Services, Factories, …
  2. describe('Unit: AuthToken', function() {! var service;! ! beforeEach(function() {! //

    instantiate the app module! angular.mock.module('app');! // mock the service! angular.mock.inject(function(authToken, $window) {! service = authToken;! });! });! ! it('should exist', function() {! expect(service).toBeDefined();! });! ! it('stores and retrieve a token', function() {! service.setToken('token_value');! expect(service.getToken()).toBe('token_value');! });! });!
  3. describe('Unit: AuthToken', function() {! var service;! ! beforeEach(function() {! //

    instantiate the app module! angular.mock.module('app');! // mock the service! angular.mock.inject(function(authToken, $window) {! service = authToken;! });! });! ! it('should exist', function() {! expect(service).toBeDefined();! });! ! it('stores and retrieve a token', function() {! service.setToken('token_value');! expect(service.getToken()).toBe('token_value');! });! });!
  4. describe('Unit: AuthToken', function() {! var service;! ! beforeEach(function() {! //

    instantiate the app module! angular.mock.module('app');! // mock the service! angular.mock.inject(function(authToken) {! service = authToken;! });! });! ! it('should exist', function() {! expect(service).toBeDefined();! });! ! it('stores and retrieve a token', function() {! service.setToken('token_value');! expect(service.getToken()).toBe('token_value');! });! });!
  5. describe('Unit: AuthToken', function() {! var service;! ! beforeEach(function() {! //

    instantiate the app module! angular.mock.module('app');! // mock the service! angular.mock.inject(function(authToken, $window) {! service = authToken;! });! });! ! it('should exist', function() {! expect(service).toBeDefined();! });! ! it('stores and retrieves a token', function() {! service.setToken('token_value');! expect(service.getToken()).toBe('token_value');! });! });!
  6. $ gulp unit [19:02:02] Using gulpfile ~/Sites/project/gulpfile.js [19:02:02] Starting 'unit'...

    [19:02:02] Starting Karma server... INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.31 server started at http://localhost: 9876/__karma__/ INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome INFO [Chrome 42.0.2311 (Mac OS X 10.9.5)]: Connected on socket Vqvid8KHt3frga3RTIP5 with id 36271559 INFO [framework.browserify]: 4775122 bytes written (5.42 seconds) INFO [framework.browserify]: bundle built Chrome 42.0.2311 (Mac OS X 10.9.5) LOG: 'WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.' ! Chrome 42.0.2311 (Mac OS X 10.9.5): Executed 127 of 127 SUCCESS (1.854 secs / 1.83 secs) [19:02:12] Finished 'unit' after 10 s
  7. describe('E2E: Settings', function() {! var AuthHelper = require('./helpers/auth_helper.js');! ! beforeAll(function()

    {! AuthHelper.signIn();! });! ! beforeEach(function() {! browser.get('/settings');! browser.waitForAngular();! });! ! it('should route correctly', function() {! expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl()).toMatch('/settings');! });! ! it('should show dashboard layout', function() {! var el = element(by.css('.content-header h1'));! expect(el.getText()).toEqual('Settings');! });! ! it('does not allow creating a new setting', function() {! expect(element(by.css('.create-link')).isPresent()).toBe(false);! });! });!
  8. describe('E2E: Settings', function() {! var AuthHelper = require('./helpers/auth_helper.js');! ! beforeAll(function()

    {! AuthHelper.signIn();! });! ! beforeEach(function() {! browser.get('/settings');! browser.waitForAngular();! });! ! it('should route correctly', function() {! expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl()).toMatch('/settings');! });! ! it('should show dashboard layout', function() {! var el = element(by.css('.content-header h1'));! expect(el.getText()).toEqual('Settings');! });! ! it('does not allow creating a new setting', function() {! expect(element(by.css('.create-link')).isPresent()).toBe(false);! });! });!
  9. describe('E2E: Settings', function() {! var AuthHelper = require('./helpers/auth_helper.js');! ! beforeAll(function()

    {! AuthHelper.signIn();! });! ! beforeEach(function() {! browser.get('/settings');! browser.waitForAngular();! });! ! it('should route correctly', function() {! expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl()).toMatch('/settings');! });! ! it('should show dashboard layout', function() {! var el = element(by.css('.content-header h1'));! expect(el.getText()).toEqual('Settings');! });! ! it('does not allow creating a new setting', function() {! expect(element(by.css('.create-link')).isPresent()).toBe(false);! });! });!
  10. describe('E2E: Settings', function() {! var AuthHelper = require('./helpers/auth_helper.js');! ! beforeAll(function()

    {! AuthHelper.signIn();! });! ! beforeEach(function() {! browser.get('/settings');! browser.waitForAngular();! });! ! it('should route correctly', function() {! expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl()).toMatch('/settings');! });! ! it('should show dashboard layout', function() {! var el = element(by.css('.content-header h1'));! expect(el.getText()).toEqual('Settings');! });! ! it('does not allow creating a new setting', function() {! expect(element(by.css('.create-link')).isPresent()).toBe(false);! });! });!
  11. describe('E2E: Settings', function() {! var AuthHelper = require('./helpers/auth_helper.js');! ! beforeAll(function()

    {! AuthHelper.signIn();! });! ! beforeEach(function() {! browser.get('/settings');! browser.waitForAngular();! });! ! it('should route correctly', function() {! expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl()).toMatch('/settings');! });! ! it('should show dashboard layout', function() {! var el = element(by.css('.content-header h1'));! expect(el.getText()).toEqual('Settings');! });! ! it('does not allow creating a new setting', function() {! expect(element(by.css('.create-link')).isPresent()).toBe(false);! });! });!
  12. describe('E2E: Settings', function() {! var AuthHelper = require('./helpers/auth_helper.js');! ! beforeAll(function()

    {! AuthHelper.signIn();! });! ! beforeEach(function() {! browser.get('/settings');! browser.waitForAngular();! });! ! it('should route correctly', function() {! expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl()).toMatch('/settings');! });! ! it('should show dashboard layout', function() {! var el = element(by.css('.content-header h1'));! expect(el.getText()).toEqual('Settings');! });! ! it('does not allow creating a new setting', function() {! expect(element(by.css('.create-link')).isPresent()).toBe(false);! });! });!
  13. // app/views/signin.html! ! <h4>Sign in</h4>! <form ng-submit="signin.submitLogin(loginForm)" ng-init="loginForm = {}">!

    <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="loginForm.email" required placeholder="Email"/>! <input type="password" name="password" ng-model="loginForm.password" required="required" placeholder="Password"/>! <button type="submit">Sign In</button>! </form>! //helpers/auth_helper.js! ! module.exports = {! signIn: function() {! browser.get('/admin/signin');! element(by.model('loginForm.email')).sendKeys('[email protected]');! element(by.model('loginForm.password')).sendKeys('foobar\n');! browser.waitForAngular();! }! };!
  14. // app/views/signin.html! ! <h4>Sign in</h4>! <form ng-submit="signin.submitLogin(loginForm)" ng-init="loginForm = {}">!

    <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="loginForm.email" required placeholder="Email"/>! <input type="password" name="password" ng-model="loginForm.password" required="required" placeholder="Password"/>! <button type="submit">Sign In</button>! </form>! //helpers/auth_helper.js! ! module.exports = {! signIn: function() {! browser.get('/admin/signin');! element(by.model('loginForm.email')).sendKeys('[email protected]');! element(by.model('loginForm.password')).sendKeys('foobar\n');! browser.waitForAngular();! }! };!
  15. // app/views/signin.html! ! <h4>Sign in</h4>! <form ng-submit="signin.submitLogin(loginForm)" ng-init="loginForm = {}">!

    <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="loginForm.email" required placeholder="Email"/>! <input type="password" name="password" ng-model="loginForm.password" required="required" placeholder="Password"/>! <button type="submit">Sign In</button>! </form>! //helpers/auth_helper.js! ! module.exports = {! signIn: function() {! browser.get('/admin/signin');! element(by.model('loginForm.email')).sendKeys('[email protected]');! element(by.model(‘loginForm.password')).sendKeys('foobar\n');! browser.waitForAngular();! }! };!
  16. $ gulp protractor [16:12:50] Using gulpfile ~/Sites/project/gulpfile.js [16:12:50] Starting 'webdriver-update'...

    [16:12:50] Starting 'webdriver'... [16:12:50] Finished 'webdriver' after 118 μs [16:12:50] Starting 'server'... [16:12:51] Finished 'server' after 87 ms selenium standalone is up to date. chromedriver is up to date. [16:12:51] Finished 'webdriver-update' after 230 ms [16:12:51] Starting 'protractor'... Starting selenium standalone server... [launcher] Running 1 instances of WebDriver Selenium standalone server started at Started GET /admin/signin 200 15.286 ms - 802 GET /admin/css/main.css 200 10.579 ms - 93071 GET /admin/js/main.js 200 29.622 ms - 4555872 GET /favicon.ico 404 7.852 ms - 24 POST /admin/api/auth/sessions 200 32.698 ms - 344 . 115 specs, 0 failures, 1 pending spec Finished in 265.959 seconds Shutting down selenium standalone server. [launcher] 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running [launcher] chrome #1 passed [16:17:21] Finished 'protractor' after 4.48 min