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Systems Theory of Algorithms & Architectures

Florian Dörfler
December 15, 2024

Systems Theory of Algorithms & Architectures

Control Architecture Theory Workshop @CDC’24

Florian Dörfler

December 15, 2024


  1. 2 A four day workshop bringing together world experts from

    the fields of computation, learning, optimization, and control. Invited speakers Necmiye Ozay Celestine Mendler-Dürrer Brent Mittelstadt Kira Barton Krishna Gummadi Aude Billard Spyros Chatzivasileiadis Mengdi Wang Stefanie Jegelka Elad Hazan Munther Dahleh Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli Jan Peters Alex Bayen Jeff Shamma Maryam Fazel Swiss CLOCK Summit 2-5th September 2025, Engelberg, Switzerland A four day workshop bringing together world experts from the fields of computation, learning, optimization, and control. Invited speakers Necmiye Ozay Celestine Mendler-Dürrer Brent Mittelstadt Kira Barton Krishna Gummadi Aude Billard Spyros Chatzivasileiadis Mengdi Wang Stefanie Jegelka Alex Bayen Jeff Shamma Maryam Fazel of Swiss CLOCK Summit 2-5th September 2025, Engelberg, Switzerland A four day workshop bringing together world experts from the fields of computation, learning, optimization, and control. Invited speakers Necmiye Ozay Celestine Mendler-Dürrer Brent Mittelstadt Kira Barton Krishna Gummadi Aude Billard Spyros Chatzivasileiadis Mengdi Wang Stefanie Jegelka Elad Hazan Munther Dahleh Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli Jan Peters Alex Bayen Jeff Shamma Maryam Fazel www.swissclocksummit.com
  2. 3 Control architecture theory fact: architectures have grown organically &

    siloed in domains questions: • layering: modular or end-2-end e.g., ID-based or direct data-driven control • linking of modules e.g., sequential or nested ID & control • ordering of modules e.g., at which level to force constraints • separation principles e.g., estimation & control • uncertainty propagation my take today: look at architectures as interconnection of optimization problems data collection & processing sensor fusion & state estimation identification of a system model planning of references safety filter (e.g, barrier fct) high-level guidance control low-level control actuation sensing system control stack
  3. 4 Larger umbrella topic: systems theory of algorithms • traditional:

    algorithm = monolithic, isolated, & perfect “piece of code” executed with batch data & offline … living in silicio • today’s viewpoint: iterative algorithms in learning, optimization, & games are open dynamical systems with inputs/outputs & uncertainty operating online with streaming data & possibly interconnected … living in vivo • Example: least-squares vs. Kalman filtering initialization init(.) initialization inputs uncertainty outputs init(.) <latexit sha1_base64="OibGQbIbGz47kMUpBpi1NNwW8Yc=">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</latexit> x+ = f(x, u) y = h(x, u)
  4. 5 Let’s go on a tangent (we will return to

    architectures) Towards a Systems Theory of Algorithms Florian D¨ orfler*, Zhiyu He*,†, Giuseppe Belgioioso*, Saverio Bolognani*, John Lygeros*, and Michael Muehlebach† Abstract— Traditionally, numerical algorithms are seen as isolated pieces of code confined to an in silico existence. However, this perspective is inappropriate for many modern computational approaches in control, learning, or optimiza- tion, wherein in vivo algorithms interact with their environ- ment. Examples of such open algorithms include various real-time optimization-based control strategies, reinforce- ment learning, decision-making architectures, online opti- mization, and many more. Further, even closed algorithms in learning or optimization are increasingly abstracted in block diagrams with interacting dynamic modules and pipelines. In this opinion paper, we state our vision on a to-be-cultivated systems theory of algorithms and argue in favor of viewing algorithms as open dynamical systems in- teracting with other algorithms, physical systems, humans, or databases. Remarkably, the manifold tools developed under the umbrella of systems theory are well suited for addressing a range of challenges in the algorithmic domain. We survey various instances where the principles of algo- rithmic systems theory are being developed and outline pertinent modeling, analysis, and design challenges. Index Terms— Systems theory of algorithms, decision- making architectures, online optimization and learning. I. VISION: SYSTEMS THEORY OF ALGORITHMS N the realm of control systems research, our traditional fo- initialization & random seeds Iterative algorithm running input time series uncertainty output time series Fig. 1. We advocate modeling a computational algorithm as an open discrete-time dynamical system subject to inputs u, outputs y, an internal state variable (state) x, and an exogenous signal ⌘ collecting different sources of uncertainty and disturbances. computing pipelines as (interconnected) dynamical systems, reflecting a broader change in perspective. We believe that the tools we have honed for analyzing and controlling dynamical systems can shed light on this emerging paradigm shift and help to navigate it. In fact, they have already proved them- selves in many algorithmic challenges. In this paper, we state our vision on a to-be-cultivated systems theory of algorithms. A. Two Perspectives on Algorithms: Piece of Code or Dynamical System ? We demarcate two perspectives on algorithms that reflect some central watersheds in systems theory, such as the distinc- tions of closed versus open systems (i.e., that are either isolated
  5. 6 Systems perspective on algorithms is key • for online

    algorithms with streaming data (1 operation per sample as in real-time signal processing) • when interconnecting algorithms (in ML pipelines or distributed/parallel computing) • in feedback with control systems (suboptimal MPC, online feedback optimization, adaptive control) • … for analysis with our “hammers” (system-theory perspective on optimization → triple momentum) plant dynamics
  6. 9 Relevant area 1: optimization/learning/integration algorithms • Abstraction: Abstracting algorithms

    as systems allows us to think in block diagrams thereby imposing structure, modularizing, & taming complexity. • Analysis & design: Systems theory methods are useful for performance + robustness analysis & design: time-scale separation, system gains, IQCs, .. 4 2 6 6 6 4 ⇠k+1 ⇠k yk xk 3 7 7 7 5 = 2 6 6 6 4 (1 + )In In ↵In In 0 0 (1 + )In In 0 (1 + )In In 0 3 7 7 7 5 · 2 6 4 ⇠k ⇠k 1 uk 3 7 5 uk = rf(yk) uk yk g. 4. The block diagram illustrates the structure (6) of gradient-based spoiler: presented now as control tools to study algorithms, but later we will use algorithmic tools to design controllers J pioneered by L. Lessard ~ 10 years ago
  7. 10 Relevant area 2: algorithms in feedback loops • Algorithms

    operate in vivo: in real-time feedback with other algorithms, data sets, the physical world, or even humans. • distributed or multi-level optimization • recommender systems, RL, & generative AI • optimization-based feedback control (MPC, barrier functions, online feedback optimization…) • Focus beyond convergence of algorithms: disturbance rejection, uncertainty propagation, I/O inter- connection properties,… closed loop initialization & random seeds Iterative algorithm exogenous disturbance running output time series running input time series Complex system Real-time optimization and nonlinear model predictive control of processes governed by differential-algebraic equations Moritz Diehla,*, H. Georg Bocka, Johannes P. Schlo ¨ dera, Rolf Findeisenb, Zoltan Nagyc, Frank Allgo ¨ werb aInterdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany bInstitute for Systems Theory in Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, D-70550, Stuttgart, Germany cFaculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, ‘‘Babes-Bolyai’’ University, Cluj, Romania Journal of Process Control 12 (2002) 577–585 www.elsevier.com/locate/jprocont the MPC people have known/done this for 20+ years
  8. 11 Back to architectures data collection & processing sensor fusion

    & state estimation identification of a system model planning of references safety filter (e.g, barrier fct) high-level guidance control low-level control actuation sensing system control stack • control stack = interconnected optimization algorithms interconnected with another & in feedback with the physics • can take ① optimization perspective to decompose, merge, split,… or take ② algorithmic perspective to discover new block-diagrams / implementations → today: no general theory but many anecdotes
  9. 12 ① Optimization perspective Example: architectures to design controllers from

    data Scientific landscape long & rich history (auto-tuning, system identification, adaptive control, RL, ...) & vast & fragmented research landscape ! useful direct / indirect classification ? x+ = f(x, u) y = h(x, u) y u direct data-driven control minimize control cost u, y subject to trajectory u, y compatible with data ud, yd model-based design ( system identification ( indirect (model-based) data-driven control minimize control cost u, y subject to trajectory u, y compatible with the model where model 2 argmin fitting criterion ud, yd subject to model belongs to certain class ? x+ = f(x, u) y = h(x, u) y u Scientific landscape ong & rich history (auto-tuning, system dentification, adaptive control, RL, ...) & vast & fragmented research landscape ! useful direct / indirect classification ? x+ = f(x, u) y = h(x, u) y u direct data-driven control minimize control cost u, y subject to trajectory u, y compatible with data ud, yd model-based design ( system identification ( indirect (model-based) data-driven control minimize control cost u, y subject to trajectory u, y compatible with the model where model 2 argmin fitting criterion ud, yd subject to model belongs to certain class + regularizer “massaging“ the optimization formulations taught us that regularizing is equivalent to • certainty-equivalence ID, • reducing variance [Chiuso, ‘24], • or low-rank pre-processing • & non-separation principle
  10. 13 • concerning ID & control: Åstrøm & Wittenmark knew

    it all in 1971 • concerning the perspective of massaging optimization formulations to discover & relate architectures → IMHO: ideas are principled, flexible, & can go a long way • exercise: write down your favorite control + estimation + ID + … problems as finite-horizon & discrete-time least-squares problems & “massage” them… Comments on the optimization perspective …
  11. 15 Optimization algorithms as feedback controllers 1. online feedback optimization

    → for constraints & steady-state optimality without good models 2. online suboptimal MPC → for multi-stage problems with running costs, forecasts, etc. & computationally intensive uncertainty, fast & agile response lly complementary methods are combined via time-scale separation optimization tracking control system system model r u y ≠ ˆ w estimate w o ine & feedforward real-time & feedback 1 / 28 optimization algorithm e.g., u+ = u≠Ò„(y, u) dynamical system ˙ x = f(x, u, w) y = h(x, u, w) actuation u measurement y operational constraints u œ U disturbance w move the offline optimization to the online stage to recover the benefits of feedback (fast, robust to uncertainty & disturbances) ? <latexit sha1_base64="Kj66Ui4xb5LWB3yTPwz9RwqrQDM=">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</latexit> }
  12. 16 Algorithmic perspective on control pipelines THE ROLE OF IDENTIFICATION

    IN DATA-DRIVEN POLICY ITERATION: A SYSTEM THEORETIC STUDY Bowen Song Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany [email protected] Andrea Iannelli Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany [email protected] ABSTRACT The goal of this article is to study fundamental mechanisms behind so-called indirect and direct data- driven control for unknown systems. Specifically, we consider policy iteration applied to the linear quadratic regulator problem. Two iterative procedures, where data collected from the system are re- peatedly used to compute new estimates of the desired optimal controller, are considered. In indirect policy iteration, data are used to obtain an updated model estimate through a recursive identifica- tion scheme, which is used in a certainty-equivalent fashion to perform the classic policy iteration update. By casting the concurrent model identification and control design as a feedback interconnec- tion between two algorithmic systems, we provide a closed-loop analysis that shows convergence and robustness properties for arbitrary levels of excitation in the data. In direct policy iteration, data are used to approximate the value function and design the associated controller without requiring the intermediate identification step. After proposing an extension to a recently proposed scheme that overcomes potential identifiability issues, we establish under which conditions this procedure is guaranteed to deliver the optimal controller. Based on these analyses we are able to compare the strengths and limitations of the two approaches, highlighting aspects such as the required samples, convergence properties, and excitation requirement. Simulations are also provided to illustrate the results. Keywords Data-driven Control · Policy Iteration · System Identification · Robustness · Nonlinear Systems Bowen Song et al. Closed-loop System Algorithmic dynamics Physical System xt+1 = Axt + But Controller ut = ˆ Kixt + et Policy Iteration (19), (21) Recursive Least Squares (20a), (20b) xt+1 ˆ θi ˆ Ki ut Figure 2: Concurrent identification and policy iteration scheme. Augmented Lagrangian Methods as Layered Control Architectures Anusha Srikanthan†, Vijay Kumar†, Nikolai Matni†∗ , †University of Pennsylvania {sanusha, kumar, nmatni}@seas.upenn.edu November 14, 2023 Abstract For optimal control problems that involve planning and following a trajectory, two degree of freedom (2DOF) controllers are a ubiquitously used control architecture that decomposes the problem into a trajectory generation layer and a feedback control layer. However, despite the broad use and practical success of this layered control architecture, it remains a design choice that must be imposed a priori on the control policy. To address this gap, this paper seeks to initiate a principled study of the design of layered control architectures, with an initial focus on the 2DOF controller. We show that applying the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm to solve a strategically rewritten optimal control problem results in solutions that are naturally layered, and composed of a trajectory generation layer and a feedback control layer. Furthermore, these layers are coupled via Lagrange mul- tipliers that ensure dynamic feasibility of the planned trajectory. We instantiate this framework in the context of deterministic and stochastic linear optimal control problems, and show how our approach automatically yields a feedforward/feedback-based control policy that exactly solves the original prob- lem. We then show that the simplicity of the resulting controller structure suggests natural heuristic algorithms for approximately solving nonlinear optimal control problems. We empirically demonstrate improved performance of these layered nonlinear optimal controllers as compared to iLQR, and highlight their flexibility by incorporating both convex and nonconvex constraints. 1 Introduction Optimal control has proven to be a key approach to solving problems across a wide range of fields, including economics, robotics, and communication systems. However, despite their significance, solving optimal control problems can be challenging due to nonlinear dynamics, high-dimensional state and control spaces, uncer- tainty, noise, and constraints. For optimal control problems that involve planning and following a trajectory, a ubiquitous layered control architecture [1, Ch. 15] commonly referred to as a two degree of freedom (2DOF) controller [19] has emerged as the standard solution approach. This control architecture decomposes the arXiv:2311.06404v1 [math.OC] 10 Nov 2023 2.2 ADMM yields 2DOF layered control architectures The ADMM iterates (5), when instantiated on OCP (2), become rk+1 := argmin r Cx (r) + ⇢ 2 kxk r + vkk2 2 s.t. r 2 RN xk+1 , uk+1 := argmin x,u ⇢ 2 kx rk+1 + vkk2 2 + Cu (u) s.t. xt+1 = f(xt, ut ), t = 0, . . . , N 1 x0 = ⇠ vk+1 := vk + xk+1 rk+1 where RN := R ⇥ · · · ⇥ R is the Cartesian product of the constraint set R over the time We describe how the ADMM iterate updates (6) can be interpreted as a layered control ar a) Trajectory generation layer (6a): The r-update step (6a) is naturally interprete generation layer, wherein an updated reference trajectory r is obtained by optimizin Cx (r) subject to state constraints r 2 RN . While the reference trajectory is not expl to be dynamically feasible a trust-region-like penalty ⇢ 2 kxk r + vkk2 2 arising from Lagrangian regularizes the reference trajectory to be approximately consistent with namically feasible) state trajectory xk. b) Feedback control layer (6b): We immediately recognize the (x, u)-update step (6 tracking optimal control problem, with reference given by rk+1 vk. Depending on the think of adaptive control as algorithmic dynamics in feedback with physics algorithmically decompose optimal control problem into planning + tracking + coupling
  13. 17 Design via algorithmic perspective algorithmic perspective: overcoming time-scale separation

    in nested loops (e.g., bi-level, interior point, predictor) ̇ 𝑥 ! = 𝑓! 𝑥! , 𝑥" ̇ 𝜖 𝑥 " = 𝑓" 𝑥! , 𝑥" ̇ 𝑥! = 𝑓! 𝑥! , 𝑥" ̇ 𝑥" = 𝑓" 𝑥! , 𝑥" - ∇#! f" x! , x" $! ⋅ ∇#" f" x! , x" ⋅ 𝑓! 𝑥! , 𝑥" with a predictive sensitivity correction term that anticipates 𝑥! (𝑥" 𝑡 ) 2 d⌧ = (x2 xr 2 ) xr 2 = 1 b1 a1x1 + KP,1(x1 xr 1 ) + KI,1⇣1 which admits the globally asymptotically stable steady state xs 1 = xr 1, xs 2 = xr 2 = ur 1 = a1x r 1 b1 , ⇣s 1 = 0, ⇣s = 0 for positive gains KP,i > 0, KI,i > 0. See Fig. 3 for a block diagram representation of this control architecture. Remark 5. The feed-forward control inputs in (18) can also be implemented using the references xr 1, xr 2 (= ur 1 ) instead of the states x1, x2, to compensate the plant dynamics. Then, the conditions for asymptotic stability of (19) are KP,i > ai and KI,i > 0. These controllers (18) may also not include any feed-forward compensation at all. Then, the conditions for asymptotic stability of (19) are ai biKP,i < 0, KI,i > 0. In either case, all our subsequent results hold with minor adjustments. C1 C2 P2 P1 xr 1 ur 1 u2 x2 = u1 x1 ⌃2 : Fast-inner system ⌃1 : Slow-outer system Fig. 2: Block diagram of a cascade control. Sensitivity-Conditioning: Beyond Singular Perturbation for Control Design on Multiple Time Scales Miguel Picallo, Saverio Bolognani, Florian D¨ orfler Abstract— A classical approach to design controllers for interconnected systems is to assume that the differ- ent subsystems operate at different time scales, then de- sign simpler controllers within each time scale, and finally certify stability of the interconnected system via singular perturbation analysis. In this work, we propose an alter- native approach that also allows to design the controllers of the individual subsystems separately. However, instead of requiring a sufficiently large time-scale separation, our approach consists of adding a feed-forward term to modify the dynamics of faster systems in order to anticipate the dynamics of slower ones. We present several examples in bilevel optimization and cascade control design, where our approach improves the performance of currently available methods. Index Terms— Bilevel optimization, cascade control, in- terconnected systems, nonlinear control design, singular perturbation, time-scale separation. I. INTRODUCTION Interconnected and nested systems are ubiquitous in control applications, but they may be challenging to analyse and design. If interconnected systems are composed by subsys- tems operating on multiple time scales [1] and a normal hyperbolicity condition holds [2], then each time scale can be studied independently, substituting dynamics of faster time scales by algebraic equations [3]. Such systems appear in engineering applications like power systems [4], [5], biological systems [6], motion control [7], electrical drives [8], etc. In that context, time-scale separation arguments, like singular perturbation analysis [9], [10], allow to certify when the stability guarantees derived in each separate time scale are preserved in the interconnected system. Standard singular perturbation considers only two time scales [11], although it can be extended to multiple ones [2], [5], [12]. Besides analysis, singular perturbation is also a powerful tool for control design [13], for example as a model reduction technique [14]: complex systems on a single time scale can be artificially separated into subsystems on different time scales, and thus simplify their analysis and controller design. Singular perturbation analysis can then provide additional conditions, for example on the control parameters [5], to ensure that Funding by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy through the project “Renewable Management and Real-Time Control Platform (ReMaP)” (SI/501810-01) and the ETH Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. The authors are with the Automatic Control Laboratory at ETH Z¨ urich, Switzerland. (emails: {miguelp,bsaverio,dorfler}@ethz.ch) the interconnected system remains stable. Some examples of these applications are hierarchical control architectures, like cascade control [15], or iterative optimization algorithms, like dual ascent [16], interior point methods [17], etc. However, for more than two time scales such singular perturbation conditions may be hard to derive, unless the interconnection present a specific structure [5], [12]. More importantly, since artificial time-scale separation slows down some subsystems with respect to others, it poses a fundamental limit on the convergence rate of the interconnected system. In this work, we consider interconnected control systems in which the individual subsystems are designed and stabilized (e.g., by means of control) on separate time scales, and we are interested in preserving the overall system stability of the interconnection in a single time scale. Unlike the singular per- turbation approach, we propose a single-time scale intercon- nection that guarantees closed-loop stability without imposing additional conditions on control parameters, nor slowing down any subsystem with respect to others. Additionally, our ap- proach can deal with general interconnection structures, where the dynamics of each subsystem may depend on the states of all other subsystems. Our proposed interconnection can be interpreted as a transient feed-forward term in faster systems, that anticipates the dynamics of slower ones. For that, it uses the sensitivity of the fast system’s steady state with respect to the slower system’s state. Therefore, we term this approach the sensitivity-conditioning. This new interconnection is inspired by recently proposed optimization algorithms to solve problems that are usually rep- resented on multiple time scales: the prediction-correction al- gorithms for time-varying optimization [18], [19], the advance- steps in nonlinear model predictive control [20], [21], and the opponent-learning awareness games [22], [23]. These algorithms use the nonlinear optimization sensitivity [24], [25] to generate feed-forward terms that improve their convergence. Our approach also relates to classic backstepping [11, Ch. 14] in the context of overcoming time-scale separation limitations. However, unlike backstepping, our approach does not require to know a stabilizing state feedback law in closed form. Hence, our approach is implementable in cases where such a feedback law is not available. Our contributions are the following: First, we divide the problem of designing the interconnection of two subsystems into a design problem of separate time-scales and a con- ditioning of their interconnection. For the latter, we define arXiv:2101.04367v3 [math.OC] 26 Nov 2021 reminds you of control architectures ? cascade control: two ”nested loops” TABLE II: Simulation parameters RLC-filter R = 1m⌦, L = 1mH, C = 300µ Frequency f = 50 1 sec , ! = 2⇡50rad sec Outer Controller C1 kP,v = 30 A V F , kI,v = 0.3 A V F rad sec Reference Real and imaginary parts: v r < = 12 Magnitude: |v r| = 120V = 1 p.u. Black start v(0) = 0V = 0 p.u., i(0) = 0A = cascade control applied to inverter slow/fast tuning arbitrary tuning 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑒&" 𝑔'((()* 𝑥! , 𝑥" 𝑠. 𝑡. 𝑥" ∈ 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑚𝑖𝑛+ &! 𝑔,-.)* (𝑥! , 9 𝑥" ) (e.g., nested gradient descent) time-scale separation predictive sensitivity
  14. 18 Homework by @Gioele: what theory do I want to

    see emerging for control architectures ? • is there a theory beyond anecdotes & across different application domains? • temporal logic + co-design + … • relevant practical impact Thanks! Summit erg, Switzerland d experts from the fields of ion, and control.