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Creating D3 Components

Creating D3 Components

Who doesn’t love a good chart? When done correctly, charts can expose beauty in any form of data. Chris Price, creator of D3FC talks us through the logical leaps and the painful doubling-backs of building charts on D3. Working in financial services, it’s no surprise that charts form a part of the apps he creates. It’s a journey of pain, joy, frustration and enlightenment.

Frontend NE

July 07, 2016

More Decks by Frontend NE

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  1. DOM abstraction manipulation selection.text('inner text') .attr('class', 'class-name') .style({ height: 'auto'

    }) .each(function(data) { var element = this; // ... }) .append('span');
  2. layout algorithms scales var scale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([-10, 10]) .range([0,

    500]); scale(-5); // 125 scale.invert(125); // -5 scale.ticks(3); // [-10, 0, 10]
  3. layout algorithms specialised layouts var layout = d3.layout.pie() .padAngle(Math.PI/10); layout([3,1,2]);

    // [ { // "data":3, // "value":3, // "padAngle":0.314..., // "startAngle":0, // "endAngle":2.984... // }, ... ]
  4. SVG helpers axis renderers var scale = d3.linear.scale() .domain([-10, 10])

    .range([0, 100]); var axis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(scale); d3.select('svg') .call(axis);
  5. SVG helpers path data generators var line = d3.svg.line(); line([[0,0],[50,50]]);

    // "M0,0L50,50" d3.select('svg') .append('path') .datum([[0,0],[50,50]]) .attr('d', line); // <path d="M0,0L50,50"></path>
  6. miscellaneous data/time formatting var format = d3.time.format("%a, %e %B %Y");

    format(new Date(2015, 4, 7)); // "Thu, 7 May 2015" var d = format.parse("Fri, 8 May 2015"); d.toString(); // "Fri May 08 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)" d3.time.year.ceil(d, 1); // "Fri Jan 01 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)"
  7. data join the data var data = [ { name:

    'Adams', rank: 'Captain' }, { name: 'Krill', rank: 'Commander' }, { name: 'Ryback', rank: 'Chief Petty Officer' } ];
  8. data join selection // ... function render() { var container

    = d3.select('ul'); container.selectAll('li'); requestAnimationFrame(render); } // ...
  9. data join the join // ... var container = d3.select('ul');

    container.selectAll('li') .data(data); requestAnimationFrame(render); // ...
  10. data join update selection // ... var updateSelection = container.selectAll('li')

    .data(data); updateSelection.text(function(d) { return d.name + ' (' + d.rank + ')'; }); // ...
  11. data join update selection <h1>USS Missouri Crew List</h1> <ul> <li>Adams

    (Captain)</li> <li>Krill (Commander)</li> <li>Ryback (Chief Petty Officer)</li> </ul>
  12. data join add an item to the data var data

    = [ { name: 'Adams', rank: 'Captain' }, { name: 'Krill', rank: 'Commander' }, { name: 'Ryback', rank: 'Chief Petty Officer' }, { name: 'Strannix', rank: 'Civilian' } ];
  13. data join ...no change <h1>USS Missouri Crew List</h1> <ul> <li>Adams

    (Captain)</li> <li>Krill (Commander)</li> <li>Ryback (Chief Petty Officer)</li> </ul>
  14. data join enter selection // ... var updateSelection = container.selectAll('li')

    .data(data); updateSelection.enter() .append('li'); updateSelection.text(function(d) { return d.name + ' (' + d.rank + ')'; }); // ...
  15. data join a change! <h1>USS Missouri Crew List</h1> <ul> <li>Adams

    (Captain)</li> <li>Krill (Commander)</li> <li>Ryback (Chief Petty Officer)</li> <li>Strannix (Civilian)</li> </ul>
  16. data join remove an item from the data var data

    = [ { name: 'Krill', rank: 'Commander' }, { name: 'Ryback', rank: 'Chief Petty Officer' }, { name: 'Strannix', rank: 'Civilian' } ];
  17. data join a change... <h1>USS Missouri Crew List</h1> <ul> <li>Krill

    (Commander)</li> <li>Ryback (Chief Petty Officer)</li> <li>Strannix (Civilian)</li> <li>Strannix (Civilian)</li> </ul>
  18. data join exit selection // ... updateSelection.enter() .append('li'); updateSelection.text(function(d) {

    return d.name + ' (' + d.rank + ')'; }); updateSelection.exit() .remove(); // ...
  19. data join a change! <h1>USS Missouri Crew List</h1> <ul> <li>Krill

    (Commander)</li> <li>Ryback (Chief Petty Officer)</li> <li>Strannix (Civilian)</li> </ul>
  20. data join spoilers <h1>USS Missouri Crew List</h1> <ul> <li>Ryback (Chief

    Petty Officer)</li> </ul> var data = [ { name: 'Ryback', rank: 'Chief Petty Officer' } ];
  21. components just functions function caseyRyback(selection) { selection.text('Another cold day in

    Hell.'); } function dramaticEffect(selection) { selection.style('fontWeight', 'bold'); } var selection = d3.select('span'); caseyRyback(selection); dramaticEffect(selection);
  22. components invoked with call function caseyRyback(selection) { selection.text('Another cold day

    in Hell.'); } function dramaticEffect(selection) { selection.style('fontWeight', 'bold'); } var selection = d3.select('span') .call(caseyRyback) .call(dramaticEffect);
  23. components factories function caseyRybackFactory() { function caseyRyback(selection) { selection.text('Another cold

    day in Hell.'); } return caseyRyback; } var component = caseyRybackFactory(); d3.select('span') .call(component);
  24. components configurable function caseyRybackFactory() { var quote = 'Another cold

    day in Hell.'; function caseyRyback(selection) { selection.text(quote); } caseyRyback.quote = function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return quote; } quote = value; return caseyRyback; }; return caseyRyback; }
  25. d3fc a toolkit for rapidly developing bespoke charts embraces d3

    small and composable prioritises simplicity a curated and consistent set of examples