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Jose M. Perez

November 27, 2017

Jose M. Perez


November 27, 2017

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  1. by - not making requests - optimizing images - rendering

    previews PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez
  2. Version A FrontFest 2017 Speakers & Schedule 0.0s 0.3s 0.6s

    0.9s 1.2s Version B FrontFest 2017 Speakers & Schedule 0.0s 0.3s 0.6s 0.9s 1.2s FrontFest 2017 Speakers & Schedule FrontFest 2017 FrontFest 2017 PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez
  3. PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez SpeedIndex = 1 − ∫ 0

    end 100 V C end = end time in milliseconds VC = % visually complete
  4. Techniques to improve perceived performance Server-side rendering Critical CSS Async

    JS Async fonts PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez
  5. right format gif | png | jpg | webp |

    <the_next_thing> PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset="2700x1209/my-image.webp 2700w, 1024x1024/my-image.webp 1024w, 600x600/my-image.webp 600w" sizes="100vw" /> <source srcset="2700x1209/my-image.jpg 2700w, 1024x1024/my-image.jpg 1024w, 600x600/my-image.jpg 600w" sizes="100vw" /> <img class="rsImg" src="600x600/my-image.jpg" alt="My beautiful image" /> </picture>
  6. <img sizes="(max-width: 30em) 100vw, (max-width: 50em) 50vw, calc(33vw - 100px)"

    srcset="red-square-200.jpg 200w, red-square-400.jpg 400w, red-square-800.jpg 800w, red-square-1600.jpg 1600w" src="red-square-400.jpg" alt="Red Square"> PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez Challenge: Keeping in sync markup and CSS Example R E S P O N S I V E I M A G E S
  7. // load image when it's within 100px of the viewport

    const options = { rootMargin: '100px' } const callback = entries => { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) { // load image } }); }; const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options); observer.observe(document.querySelector('.lazy-img')); PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez Example I N T E R S E C T I O N O B S E R V E R
  8. class LazyImage extends React.Component { constructor() { this.observer = new

    IntersectionObserver(entries => { if (entries[0].intersectionRatio > 0) { // load! } }); this.element = null; /* render() will set it through a ref */ } componentDidMount() { this.observer.observe(this.element); } componentWillUnmount() { this.observer.unobserve(this.element); } ... } PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez Encapsulating in React I N T E R S E C T I O N O B S E R V E R
  9. // Image loading with predecoding const img = new Image();

    img.src = "image.jpg"; img.decode().then(() => { document.body.appendChild(img); }).catch(() => { throw new Error('Could not load/decode big image.'); }); PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez Using image.decode() I M A G E D E C O D I N G Add an image to the DOM without causing a decoding delay. Track the proposal on https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/1920 TIP 4

    O L D E R S Nothing Placeholder Solid colour or gradient Progressive image loading or "Blur-up" @jmperezperez
  11. PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez Markup - Eg Medium <figure> <div>

    <div/> <!-- this div keeps the aspect ratio so the placeholder doesn't collapse --> <img/> <!-- this is a tiny image with a small resolution (e.g. ~27x17) and low quality --> <canvas/> <!-- takes the above image and applies a blur filter --> <img/> <!-- the large image to be displayed --> <noscript/> <!-- fallback for no JS --> </div> </figure>
  12. PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez <svg> <polyline points="51,1 61,1 61,2 56,4

    56,3"/> <polyline points="52,1 50,2 51,3 50,4 50,9 46,10 46,8 48,8 48,9"/> <polyline points="61,4 61,5 58,6"/> ... <polyline points="62,58 61,59 61,60 50,62 50,61 51,61"/> </svg> 1. Find edges with canny edge detector 2. Create lines 3. Use JS and SVG to animate How to draw bitmaps
  13. PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez SVG - Shapes SVG - 10

    shapes SVG - 100 shapes Original 0.74kB 3.5kB 101kB
  14. PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez SVG - Shapes + Blur SVG

    - 10 shapes + Blur SVG 100 shapes + Blur (JPEG or WebP) + Blur 0.8kB 3.6kB 0.5kB (JPEG) 0.09 kB (WebP)
  15. PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez SVG - Silhouettes / Traces Source:

  16. PROGRESSIVE IMAGE RENDERING @jmperezperez Reduce requests Choose the right format

    and optimise Embrace responsive images Try to lazy load Think about placeholders Innovate! Summary