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You got people to click on your campaign - what...

Alexander Baxevanis
June 16, 2016

You got people to click on your campaign - what next?

Presented at the Social Media for Student Recruitment conference on 16 June 2016

Alexander Baxevanis

June 16, 2016


  1. You got people to click on your campaign, what next?

    Alexander Baxevanis @webcredible Social Media for Student Recruitment Conference - 16 June 2016
  2. “ Behavioural Approaches to Understanding Student Choice 
 NUS &

    The Higher Education Academy, 2012 Prospective students tend to under- explore the available information sources and are not pro-active information seekers, preferring informal sources and more intuitive forms of decision-making”
  3. 7 Closing the motivation gap Current position Action threshold Increasing

    motivation through persuasion Decreasing the threshold through better usability
  4. Clear calls to action 28 Small nudges at the right

    time and place can encourage action
  5. Limited choice 29 We are more likely to make a

    choice when there are fewer options
  6. Limited choice 30 We are more likely to make a

    choice when there are fewer options
  7. Limited duration 31 Given the choice between action and inaction,

    a limited time to respond increases likelihood of participation
  8. • Print screenshots of the different steps of a journey

    • Define persuasion goals on each page • Brainstorm persuasion technique ideas • Evaluate your ideas with your team • Frame ideas as hypotheses • Evaluate your hypotheses through user validation When you’re back in the office …
  9. Example hypotheses 34 Action Interest Desire Click through will be

    higher if the CTA is placed on a white background, Contrast The hero image will grab more attention if if contains people enjoying the event, Visual Imagery Social Proof Engagement will be higher if we show testimonials form last year’s event Delighters Engagement will be higher if we show quality racing video highlights Scarcity Risk Aversion Click through rate will be higher if we show when there are only 10 tickets left Click through will be higher if we advertise that tickets can be refunded at a later date Limited Duration Limited Choice Click through rate will be higher if we only show 3 ticket options Click through will be higher if we show a timer until advanced tickets are no longer on sale
  10. Influencing human behaviour is never that simple… • Respect your

    customers & stay ethical! • Ensure you have a baseline understanding of different customers motivations • Accept that you’ll need to iterate - there are no silver bullets 35 Follow our blog & newsletter with regular UX thoughts, 
 or attend one of our training courses at www.webcredible.com @webcredible