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Storyboard Sample 2

Storyboard Sample 2

I made this to practice storyboard techniques. It's based off of a part of a story I wrote.


April 04, 2023


  1. SOPHIE I had some small pieces of fabric, so I

    thought I should try my hand at it again…
  2. SOPHIE I have a few finished ones of various quality…

    but I’ll have to bring them next time we meet up!
  3. LEO I said some things to them… and neither of

    them liked it. Like yesterday, I tried to tell Liz about something but she didn’t believe me. And Evan seems to be hiding something from me about it.
  4. LEO (O.S.) I know what I said then hurt them,

    and they haven’t talked to me since. After seeing their faces like that… I don’t think they want to hang around someone like me.
  5. LEO I really thought they’d stick with me through thick

    and thin, just as I would with them.
  6. SOPHIE (O.S.) We all make up lies to each other.

    But usually… they’re not as big as the one Evan held.
  7. LEO (O.S.) When he seemed to back then… I was

    thankful. But when he comes to my mind now, I just feel… afraid. I’m sure he did something horrible behind my back, and I’m scared he’ll do it again.
  8. LEO (O.S.) I’m scared he’ll destroy the world around me

    further. And yet, I can’t let go of those times where he was nice to me.
  9. SOPHIE Him wanting to help was a trick. Why are

    you friends with someone who scares you?
  10. LEO I’m… scared I’ll be next. …I think that by

    cutting off our friendship and saying those things… I messed up.
  11. SOPHIE It has its drive… to survive. And to do

    that, it kills. But the rabbit has the same drive as the fox. It, too, wants to survive.